How Behere is Promising to Help Women Work Abroad

Nikki Vargas
Unearth Women
Published in
6 min readNov 1, 2018


A young woman navigates a new city | © astarot

Monday morning at the office and the week seems to stretch on ahead of you in an endless parade of incessant e-mails, meetings, and deadlines.

An hour passes impossibly slow as day dreams begin to swirl in your head about an alternate reality, one spent working and living abroad.

The dream seems all at once unattainable; squashed by the daunting practicalities of saving enough money, securing visas and (the big doozy) convincing your corporate boss to let you work remotely. For most, the wish to work out of some open-air café in Chiang Mai stops right there.

Enter Behere, a flexible lifestyle service that helps women live and work from cities around the world. Behere takes the guesswork out of relocating your life, providing everything from help with housing to letter templates that will help get your boss on board. In this interview, CEO of Behere, Meesen Brown, speaks about the benefits of working remotely and the nuances of turning this seemingly far-fetched dream into a reality.

Unearth Women (UW): For those unfamiliar with Behere, can you explain what inspired the founding of your company?



Nikki Vargas
Unearth Women

Founding Editor, Unearth Women. Previous Editor at The Infatuation, Atlas Obscura & Culture Trip. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter: