#16. Some need care & attention, others challenges
As mentioned in numerous posts earlier, every learning environment is unique. It is unique because learners tend to be at different levels emotionally, academically and socially. As a result, it is a given that “One size does not fit all”.
Educators often have the tendency to focus extensively (and sometimes ONLY) on those learners who are deemed ‘weak’ when compared to their peers. As a result, they fail to push the limits of those who are better off. While it is good to shower attention on those who really need it, it is criminal to saturate the skills of those learners who constantly thrive on challenges. These individuals may require minimal physical support and attention from the facilitator, but nothing frustrates and demotivates them more than a stagnant intellectual phase.
Facilitators should take into consideration the diversity among the learners in the environment, and aim to cater to the needs of every learner to the best of his/her abilities. (Know how difficult this is to do practically, but no learner should be alienated, at least)
I have never been a fan of ‘bringing everybody to the same level’. It will never happen, and should not. I believe in pushing each individual to a relatively higher level so that the only object of comparison is themselves.