#18. Strive to build an inclusive learning environment

Sriram Sampath
Unearthing the half-baked educator
2 min readNov 16, 2015
These are not just colors, but contexts — you need to use as many contexts as possible to connect with as many learners as possible, in the best possible way.

Think about it this way — you meet a stranger and want to strike up a conversation with him/her. For the conversation to prolong and to sustain meaning and interest, you need to talk about something that excites both of you. Otherwise, you are not going to derive much value or enjoy it in the first place.

In the learning environment, this “common interest” can in some way be called as a “suitable context” or an “entry-point” that connects you with your learner. Unless you identify the right context to connect with your learners, it will be difficult for you as a facilitator to have meaningful conversations with your learners.

If you want to build an inclusive learning environment, you need to identify and unlock the entry point that stands between you and your learner.

(An inclusive learning environment is one in which all those participating feel able to actively engage, feel safe and feel welcome.)

For this to happen, you need to bring in “information variety” in the learning environment. Expose and be exposed to diverse information — when you discuss about diverse topics in the classroom, you might be able to identify the entry points for different individuals. You might see a new hand going up to join in the discussion.

In short, there must be quality, quantity and diversity in information that you take forward to your learners.

The next time you read the newspaper, why don’t you try being impartial to all the sections that it presents to you? And for your own good, break the monotony!



Sriram Sampath
Unearthing the half-baked educator

Educator. On a mission to design and promote Healthy Learning Environments. Striving to be a lifelong learner. Tweets: @deitycrepitus