Understanding SEO — How to trigger keywords?

Saumya Singh
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2021

To have a quick view about SEO visit my previous blog, Understanding SEO in 2 minutes.

Now, continuing the previous blog here we will tell you how to discover keywords for SEO.

SEO Keywords

Keywords discovery

Let us take an example of an SEO company to exactly understand what type of keyword people might use.

  • First of all search for SEO on google.
  • What you will see is different companies providing SEO.
  • Now click on related searches in this section of the SEO company.
  • Click on more like this.
  • Again search click on related searches.
  • This is the way you can discover google keywords.

Keywords modifiers

Keyword modifiers play a vital role in SEO. Some of the important ones are mentioned below.

  • Country name
  • Company name
  • Institution name
  • State
  • City

Know-How to spy on top ranking websites

  • Search for SEO company in Delhi NCR.
  • Click on the first website that appears and open the page source and have a look at meta keywords.
  • Similarly, you can have a good idea of keywords by spying on websites.

Density analysis

Density analysis plays a major role when even not a single keyword is used and still the sites ranks.

  • For this purpose just select the link of any top-ranked website.
  • The search of data analysis tool on google.
  • Paste the URL and you will see the result.

External keywords tool

  • Copy the URL of the website.
  • Search for external keyword tools like (Google Search Console, SEMRush, KWFinder, etc).
  • Click on Google AdWords keyword tools
  • Instead of searching for a word or phrase paste the URL of any top-ranked site.
  • You will be able to see a list of external keywords.
  • After this copy the keywords and you can use these words for SEO, these keywords can be kept in the title, in metadata in the meta description.

Keyword validation

  • Go on google insight and type the keywords.
  • From the insight, we will be able to know how much traffic is there and the competition.
  • Let us take the example of an SEO company in Delhi NCR. Search in insight for SEO company in Delhi NCR.
  • There is so much competition for this word. Add a modifier like best and search for the best SEO company in Delhi NCR.
  • There are very few people searching for the best SEO company in Delhi NCR.
  • Now search for a good SEO company in Delhi NCR...
  • The traffic on SEO companies is more.
  • So first we will be using a good SEO company in Delhi NCR and the best SEO company in Delhi NCR. When the website ranks under this.
  • Add the keyword best and when under this section website ranks. Then remove the keyword best.
  • Proceeding the same when removing modifiers when the website ranks under the given section.
  • At last, it would be ranked under the SEO company section.

Summarizing the above validation we conclude that, start with amounts of modifiers to rank as words or phrases and when you start competing.

Thank you for reading my blog. Hope you enjoyed reading it.



Saumya Singh
Writer for

Trainee Web Developer — Uneritx Technology