ChongDong: A Blockchain Tech-Driven Content and E-Learning Platform Build on U Network

U Network Editor
U Network
Published in
5 min readNov 22, 2018

ChongDong means wormhole in Chinese. We launched our DApp U赞 earlier this year, and after considering a variety of factors, we upgraded the product to become the current wormhole community. The product’s original focus on investment of cryptocurrencies content was shifted to blockchain technology content. For more details, please refer to the article on brand upgrade.

What is ChongDong Today?

ChongDong is a platform for publishing and learning blockchain technology content based on U Network. The content and users of the platform are mainly based on technology developers who understand Chinese. At present, it is mainly divided into four major parts and has achieved a lot of results.

1.Blockchain Technology Content Publishing Platform

Like many publishing platforms, users of ChongDong can post content, comments, and likes on the platform. However, the current it has not yet introduced U Network Reward, Pricing, and Moderation & Governance Protocol. Users can now receive CDB rewards from the platform by publishing high-quality articles.

The platform’s content is mainly focused on blockchain technology. ChongDong community has built a knowledge map based on blockchain technology, which makes the user learning of blockchain more systematic.

2. Audio and Video E-Learning Platform

ChongDong has integrated its four influential blockchain technology audio and video courses in China, which have produced very good results in the Chinese market and have already earned millions of revenue.

A total of 30,000 people participated in these courses, and a total of 460 blockchain engineers graduated from the course.

3. Token payment Knowledge Platform

ChongDong has implemented token payment. Community users can split their content for sale, and users need to pay tokens for reading.

4. Technology Learning Community Ecology

According to statistics, the number of users in the ChongDong Chinese community member reached 173,000. These Chinese users are from 24 countries and 446 universities worldwide, mostly programmers. At present, there are 231 authors and 187 translators. Everyone learns from each other and learns to build the ecology of the entire ChongDong technology community.

In general, ChongDong is a platform for the production of quality blockchain content and comprehensive service of blockchain technology learners.

ChongDong is growing very fast, but I believe it is still in an early stage.

What is ChongDong in the future?

1.Token Economy Model

ChongDong has its own token CDB. CDB is currently not available for sale, only given to users who are active or contribute to the community. At present, the details of the specific economic model are not announced, what I know is personally I can get 12.5 CDB every day by logging in.

Sometimes I also spend CDB to buy content that needs to be purchased for learning, such as the content of “build blockchain with JAVA” in the picture which costs 2 CDB.

The specific economic model, relationship with UUU, airdrop, exchanges, and other information will be published later.

2. Sign with More Industry KOLs and Form Partnerships with More Institutions

ChongDong has formed partnership with multiple blockchain technology-driven projects such as Huobi Global, Ontology, VeChain Foundation, Zilliqa, Celer Network, Genaro Network (GNX), Nervos Network, wanchain, Factom,,, DECENT, DDEX, Ink Labs Foundation, KyberNetwork, Loopring, ArcBlock,, Identrix, Bottos AI,,, and QuarkChain.

ChongDong has signed a contract with Huobi COO Jiawei Zhu, to create paid content and courses on ChongDong. It will also collaborate with more well-known Chinese blockchain KOL on courses and content, and form in-depth technical cooperation with more universities and institutions.

3. Create More Quality Blockchain Courses

ChongDong is not a course platform, but a platform for creating quality courses. This is due to the unique model of the video + group + live broadcast + community used by the team.

The four courses opened by ChongDong in China were all extremely influential in the industry. They are:

“From 0 to 1, Study Blockchain Comprehensively” -Huobi COO Jiawei Zhu

“Ethereum Smart Contract Full Stack Development Basics” -Celer Network co-founder, Dr.Mo Dong

“Blockchain Consensus Algorithm (Advanced) Practical Essential Course” -Delft University of Technology Blockchain Lab Postdoctoral, Maxdeath

“Sino-US Public Chain Practical Development Training Camp”-Genaro Network co-founder, CTO Weilong Wu

ChongDong will continue to create more quality course content to serve blockchain technology learning enthusiasts.

4. Not limited to China

ChongDong’s content is currently mainly in Chinese, but in the future, it will not only focus on the Chinese market. You can understand that China is currently the best experimental field for the team.

As U Network technology continues to mature and overseas communities continue to grow, as well as ChongDong’s release of the economic model and product iterations, ChongDong will also be launched in English and other languages in the future.

ChongDong’s goal is to be the world’s best blockchain technology learning platform, and there is still a long way to go to achieve this goal.

Who is behind the Chongdong?

With 12 years of experience in Internet operations and continuous entrepreneurship, Sean Wong, co-founder of SV Insight, is the CEO of ChongDong. With more than 100 international technology patents, former technical director of XiaoMi Guobin Tan is the CTO.

I believe that under their leadership, ChongDong will bring unimaginable value to U Network.

If you understand Chinese, you can sign up for an account and experience right now.

If you want to collaborate with ChongDong, you can contact me or Email

You can now follow ChongDong community on Twitter. We will update to community members about the latest project progress from time to time.

