U Network Announces the Strategic Partnership with IRISnet

U Network Editor
U Network
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2019

U Network Announced Strategic Partnership with IRISnet.

IRISnet is the first self-evolutionary BPoS network that goes LIVE. IRISnet is built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. It is also a sister project of the famous star cross-chain project Cosmos with direct development support from Cosmos’s founding team Tendermint.

U Network, as a content asset project, will naturally apply IRISnet’s cross-chain services, and its project initiators were among the first to support IRISnet. The two parties will jointly conduct research on cross-chain content asset conversions.

About U Network

U Network is a decentralized content asset storage, notarization, distribution, publishing and valuation network based on the blockchain. Allowing every individual to transform their own digital content into assets within the U Network ecosystem. This, in turn, constructs a revitalized financial market for content; leading to the redistribution and optimization of the Internet value, owner autonomy and efficiency of the token economy. Lead the way towards a truly free market for content.

About IRISnet

IRIS Network (a.k.a. IRISnet) is designed to be the foundation for next-generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model. By incorporating a comprehensive service infrastructure and an enhanced IBC protocol, IRISnet enables integration and interoperability of business services offered by heterogeneous blockchains including public chains as well as consortium chains.

