UNews — Development, Discussion and first UNews Winner!

Nick Jenkinson
U Network
Published in
7 min readSep 23, 2019


Volume 1, Issue 6

A lot has happened since our last edition of UNews! We have had announcements, an AMA, UNews have ran our first competition and many a U themed content has been created. Anyway, lets see what else has happened since UNews Issue 5 within U Network development and community.

Talented Community!

Over the past few weeks Ken You has shared some of the U Network related content that has come to him from the community via different channels, all of which has been great! U Network have a diverse community all with unique ideas and talents, how will your talents shape U Network adoption? Are you great with GIFS? Design? Paint? Alternatively can you create content of other forms such as song, video or something else entirely? UNews encourages you to share your talents and ideas to help grow U Network!

Just some of the talents from our community in past month

Winner Winner!

In the lead up to U Network’s September AMA, UNews ran a giveaway to encourage the community to take part and post questions related to U Network. I am pleased to announce that Reddit user Lamnguyen4403 won the 2500 UUU prize after posting 2 questions about the recent partnerships with DOS Network and Tripio! Congratulations!

Ask Yi Anything

Though it certainly wasn’t the largest Ask Yi Anything that U Network have hosted, the September edition certainly answered some key questions that have lingered in the community recently. It was also good to see a new profiles join in and take part such as our competition winner, u/SatoshiNakimoto and u/whoamidonknow.

Some of the key questions that were answered were from prominent U Network community members Steve O who asked about the future suite of products and U Network upvote algorithm and Katakoto who asked about Yeke development and plans to increase daily user activity on U Network DApps.

Not only was I happy as with Yi Lu’s answers to the questions he was posed generally, Yi’s responses were also thoughtful and purposeful. It is clear to UNews that there is great drive coming from the team to achieve their goals, reaffirm their place in the top 100 by market cap and exceed and excel in becoming a leading platform in the crypotocurreny and blockchain space in the short to mid term. We as a community continue to have great faith in the promises that the team have outlined over the past 18 months and those goals planned for the future.

Want to know more about what was discussed during the AMA? Check out the whole AMA here.

Upbet Development

If UNews was a TV Show, Upbet would be the protagonist that comes every episode — the character that constantly evolves, with viewers wanting the character to be different things ans serve different purposes. At the end of the day, the U Network team are the producers of this show and are the only ones who really know where the product is heading. The new version is evolving and taking shape and in the meantime a few revelations have been released. Just last week 4 new features were added as outlined above — Countdown to end of vote and prediction were reintroduced, Reward Quality Comments, Markets Report, Notification of Recommended Markets.

The new ‘bounty’ on Quality Comments I think is an interesting development. I look forward to seeing how this is worked out. After reaching out for comment, we have advised that Upbet will reward initially and will move to a decentralized version later on. How do you think this will work? What will justify a quality comment? As DeadWelsh has stated numerous times in U Network and Upbet Telegram chats, the need for a Upbet FAQ page/introduction video as to how the product and all the features work should be a great priority for the team in the new version.

Upbet have now followed up with below tweet asking for community feedback as to what the next update should be! Leave your comment below or in the the linked tweet. As Yi stated in the AMA, the valuable feedback the community provide assist in “keep updating the product under agile development”.

Upbet — The home for betting on the Rugby World Cup!

Not so much a U Network development but more a shout out to dedicated community member DeadWelsh who created almost 40 Upbet markets for the group games in the Rugby World Cup 2019! Know your Rugby? Fancy a punt? Find links to all his created markets below noting some may be finished at time of release! DeadWelsh has also stated that knockout rounds will be updated as teams progress and has a great no draws mechanism meaning a winner in every game! Great Work! Support DeadWelsh’s efforts and those of other community members who create on Upbet and sharing their markets on your social media with #useUUU, #useETH, #UNetwork and $UUU $ETH. Particularly for these markets add #rwc2019 as well!

Japan V Russia https://upbet.io/game/295
Australia V Fiji https://upbet.io/game/296
France V Argentina https://upbet.io/game/297
New Zealand V South Africa https://upbet.io/game/298
Italy V Namibia https://upbet.io/game/299
Ireland V Scotland https://upbet.io/game/300
England V Tonga https://upbet.io/game/301
Wales V Georgia https://upbet.io/game/302
Russia V Samoa https://upbet.io/game/303
Fiji V Uruguay https://upbet.io/game/305
Italy V Canada https://upbet.io/game/306
England V USA https://upbet.io/game/307
Argentina V Tonga https://upbet.io/game/308
Japan V Ireland https://upbet.io/game/309
South Africa V Namibia https://upbet.io/game/310

Georgia V Uruguay https://upbet.io/game/311
Australia V Wales https://upbet.io/game/312
Scotland V Samoa https://upbet.io/game/313
France V USA https://upbet.io/game/314
New Zealand V Canada https://upbet.io/game/315
Georgia V Fiji https://upbet.io/game/316
Ireland V Russia https://upbet.io/game/317
South Africa V Italy https://upbet.io/game/318
Australia V Uruguay https://upbet.io/game/319
England V Argentina https://upbet.io/game/320
Japan V Samoa https://upbet.io/game/321
New Zealand V Namibia https://upbet.io/game/322
France V Tonga https://upbet.io/game/323
South Africa V Canada https://upbet.io/game/324
Argentina V USA https://upbet.io/game/325
Scotland V Russia https://upbet.io/game/326
Wales V Fiji https://upbet.io/game/327
Australia V Georgia https://upbet.io/game/328
New Zealand V Italy https://upbet.io/game/329
England V France https://upbet.io/game/330

Ireland V Samoa https://upbet.io/game/331
Namibia V Canada https://upbet.io/game/332
USA V Tonga https://upbet.io/game/333
Wales V Uruguay https://upbet.io/game/334
Japan V Scotland https://upbet.io/game/335

UNews Activity and Ken You Poll’s

After running a quick poll on the U Network Facebook page that 80% of respondents were looking forward to Yeke Official Launch, UNewsHQ Twitter did the same there! Turns out you are all keen for Yeke! Hopefully this will bode well for when that product gets an official release. Ken followed up with a poll of his own asking where people blog the most! Looks like UNews is publishing in the wrong spot. These polls have spawned a few more tweets from Ken You asking about what kind of platform people would use… we wonder what is on the cards?

Announcements and Bi-Weekly Reports

We had 2 key announcements and U Network reviews since our last UNews. The potential with DOS NETWORK will be quite exciting and I am very keen to see how this partnership will work. The obvious example as to what DOS Network add to U Network will be with Upbet and maybe also Yeke, however UNews still has limited news on the latter. We also had the announcement of partnership with Tripio, however Ken You has stated in Telegram that Tripio has held off listing as a payment option at present due to current price volatility which is understandable from my point of view on Tripio’s part. Links to these announcements can be found below.

In terms of project reviews and other community content, we have had a few items released by Blockchainandy including an interview with Ken You, link to that interview can be found here. He has also made this info-graphic outlining U Network.

We have also had below detailed U Network analysis published in Turkish!

If you want to find out more about U Network, also see the official channels below:

Follow on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and Medium to keep informed

Join the discussions on Telegram, Discord and WeChat — WeChat ID: UGC-Network.

Discover the code at Github and the vision at the Website

Play and Win at Upbet and add value to the community at UBuild.

I am community member of U Network and follow their official channels. All opinions in this piece are my own and may not reflect that of U Network.

If you want to follow me, I am active on Twitter @tennisnick1 and @UNewsHQ. You can also find me on the U Network Official Telegram and Discord channels with the tennisnick1 handle. Donations to UNews can be made following this link.



Nick Jenkinson
U Network

Husband, Father of 2, Time Poor but trying a Beep Test for Fitness experiment. Follower of cryptocurrency and former writer of U News reporting on U Network.