How I Caught My Wife Cheating. And What Happened When I Confronted Her

This is part 2 in a continuing series about the story of finding out my wife was cheating on me. Part 1 sets up the events here.

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

The day after I was almost certain she was cheating on me, my wife showed up at my parents’ house for our youngest son’s first birthday party (I had arrived the day before). He was going to turn one in a few days and we figured we’d throw him a birthday party while everyone was in town for Easter. We hadn’t even had him a year, and she, I assumed, was already with somebody else.

Party Time

Looking back, it’s really hard to judge how our interactions were that day. We both said after that it was colder than normal. Was that because I knew something was going on and I was distant from her or because she was carrying some guilt that day? Probably a mix of both. My family insists the biggest Oscar snub of that year was me not being nominated for hiding what I was really feeling inside from everyone, posing for pictures, and playing with the kids as if my gut and heart weren’t being ripped to shreds inside.

The party itself went really well. I hung out with my two kids, my extended family, and my group of friends that I’ve known since I was six years old. We ate pizza, played in the bounce house, took videos, and all…



Much Reassembly Required
Unfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship

I’m a divorced dad reassembling life after my marriage ended unexpectedly. It’s been a ride, but I’m happier now than I was before. Hoping to help others.