Someone Calls You EXTREMELY Upset Over a Breakup …

What do you say?

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

I’ll never forget the night I was last broken up with. Well, actually, the breakup had happened almost four months prior, but we were still in the same social club, and he was still there, and still separated … so there was still hope.

One night I went to our regular biweekly meeting, and … he never showed up.

I knew what that meant. He and his wife had patched things up, he was not getting a divorce, after all … and I would never see him again.

I don’t know how I got through that meeting. I had to pretend nothing had happened. My heart beat with odd little jerks; my entire chest hurt. I couldn’t believe it was true. And I didn’t know how I would go on.

All I could think about was getting home. I had just joined a breakup site that had a chat room that was always manned for people who needed to talk.

At least, I told myself, at least I can go home and find someone who will understand.

Half an hour after I logged on, I was thrown out of the chat … for being too upset.

It didn’t seem to be the kind of help I needed.

What sort of breakup help site throws people out for being too upset?



P. D. Reader
Unfaithful: Perspectives on the Third-Party Relationship

Studying the CRAP out of the third-party relationship for seven years and counting after getting burned in one. My book: