Why Gen Z Is Leaving Cities For The Countryside

Anish Dasgupta
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2023


Photo: Anish Dasgupta

The trend of Gen Z leaving cities for the countryside has been gaining momentum in recent years. This generation, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, is known for its preference for experiences over material possessions and a desire to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. As a result, many young people are leaving urban areas in search of a slower pace of life and closer connection with nature.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in accelerating this trend as remote work becomes more common and people seek out less crowded environments. While this shift away from cities may have significant impacts on urban economies, it represents an opportunity for rural communities to thrive and attract new residents.

Reasons Why Gen Z Is Leaving Cities

There are several reasons why Gen Z is leaving cities for the countryside. One of the main factors is the high cost of living in urban areas, particularly in terms of housing. Many young people are struggling to afford rent or mortgages, and find that they can get more for their money by moving to rural areas. Additionally, there is a growing desire among young people for a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle.

This often involves growing their own food, living off the land, and being closer to nature. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated this trend as many young people have been able to work remotely and no longer feel tied to city locations for employment opportunities. Ultimately, Gen Z’s move towards rural living reflects a desire for affordability, sustainability and freedom.

The Advantages Of Living In The Countryside

For Gen Z, the advantages of living in the countryside are manifold. Firstly, it offers a slower pace of life, which can be a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of city living. This can be particularly beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety or stress-related issues. Secondly, there is greater access to nature and outdoor activities such as hiking, camping and fishing.

This not only promotes physical health but also helps to foster a deeper connection with the natural world. Thirdly, living in the countryside often means lower living costs and less competition for jobs, making it an attractive option for those just starting out in their careers. Overall, the countryside offers a lifestyle that is more sustainable, healthier and more connected to nature — something that many Gen Zers are increasingly prioritizing.

Challenges Faced By Gen Z In Rural Areas

While many Gen Zers are finding solace in the quiet and greenery of rural areas, they also face unique challenges. One major challenge is limited job opportunities. Small towns often lack the same range of job options as cities, making it difficult for young people to find work that aligns with their interests and skills. This can lead to a sense of isolation and discouragement.

Additionally, rural areas may lack access to quality healthcare and education, which are essential for personal growth and development. The lack of diversity in these areas can also be a challenge for those who value inclusivity and exposure to different cultures. Despite these challenges, some Gen Zers are finding ways to make their mark in rural areas by starting businesses or pursuing creative endeavors that contribute to their communities.

Technology And The Role It Plays In Attracting Gen Z To Rural Areas

While some may assume that the younger generation is wholly consumed by technology, it is precisely this technological advancement that has made rural living more attractive to Gen Z. With remote work becoming increasingly common, young adults are no longer tied to urban centers for employment. They can work from anywhere with a reliable internet connection. Additionally, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok have made it easier for individuals to showcase their rural lifestyles and connect with others who share similar interests.

This virtual community fosters a sense of belonging and encourages young people to explore the natural beauty of rural areas.

Impact On Urban Areas As Gen Z Leaves For The Countryside

As Gen Z leaves urban areas for the countryside, there will be a significant impact on cities. The shift in population could lead to a decrease in demand for urban housing and an increase in demand for rural properties. This could result in lower property values and potentially abandoned buildings in urban areas. Additionally, as younger generations leave cities, there may be a decline in the availability of skilled workers and an increase in unemployment rates.

This could lead to economic challenges for urban areas that rely on these workers to drive their economies. Furthermore, with fewer young people living within city limits, there may be a reduction in cultural vibrancy and social activities. Urban planners will need to adapt to these changes and find ways to attract younger generations back into cities if they wish to remain sustainable over time.

Examples Of Successful Rural Communities Attracting Gen Z

As more members of Gen Z seek a slower pace of life and greater affordability, rural communities are stepping up to attract them. Some successful examples include Eau Claire, Wisconsin, which has become a hub for young artists and entrepreneurs with its growing arts scene and low cost of living. Another example is Bozeman, Montana, which offers outdoor recreation opportunities and a thriving tech industry.

In the South, Asheville, North Carolina has become a popular destination for its vibrant music scene and access to hiking trails in the nearby Blue Ridge Mountains. These communities are successfully attracting Gen Z with their unique offerings that cater to the younger generation’s desire for community engagement, outdoor activities, and affordable living options outside of major cities.

The Future Of Gen Z And Rural Living

The trend of Gen Z leaving cities for the countryside seems to be a response to both personal and societal factors. The pandemic has accelerated this trend as remote work becomes more common. While some may view this shift as a temporary reaction to the current situation, it is important to consider the potential long-term effects on rural communities and their economies.

As more young people move to rural areas, there may be opportunities for innovation and growth in industries such as agriculture and technology. However, it is also important to address challenges such as access to healthcare, education, and transportation in these areas. Ultimately, the future of Gen Z and rural living will depend on finding a balance between preserving traditional ways of life while embracing new opportunities for development and progress.

