Medium Writers: There’s no excuse for not making your stories more inclusive

As writers, we owe our fans stories they can see themselves in.


by: E.B. Johnson

I’ve been writing on Medium for a few months short of a year now and I’ve noticed one shocking thing: there are a number of Medium writers out there who aren’t striving to make their stories all-inclusive.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Medium has and appears to be an incredibly liberal and open space. People share stories on this platform from all walks of life, and they share important content that reaches out to people of color, transgender people and all other sorts of minorities who are normally excluded from the dialogue.

However, it doesn’t take a lot of digging to notice the extraordinary amount of white-washing and body-dismissal that goes on here, too.

Before you crucify me, just listen and consider a few things.

Title images

As writers on this platform, we really want our stories to shine, and a part of that is selecting images that are both emotive and indicative of what our story is about. That, however, can quickly lead to a barrage of images that can present less-than-real ideals.

