Toxic Racism of the “Anti-Racists”

Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

After corporate trainings on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion leave employees mentally devastated, companies bring in Chloe Valdary. Her compassionate approach to bridging intergroup divisions stands in stark contrast to the cruel traditional “anti-racist programs that, according to her, lead to more racial stereotyping, division and discord in the workplace after implementation.

As one of today’s leading social concepts, trainings on “anti-racism” (AR) are in very high demand from both public and private institutions. AR stands in direct opposition to the idea of simply being a non-racist, which is cast as helping maintain the existing status quo of systemic racism. That makes the theory ripe for a critical evaluation.

We will go over the “anti-racism” phenomenon as envisioned by its various proponents, ranging from one of its most ardent disciples, Ibram X. Kendi, and down to the very niche novice writers here on Medium. The true purpose of AR will be explored, as well as a new interpretation of anti-racism.

Notice my careful use of brackets around the popular term of “anti-racism”. I consider this expression as nothing but a brand name for an ideology so toxic that it constitutes a polar opposite of what it purports to be:

  • Instead of eliminating racism, it systematizes and immortalizes it;



Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.