Five Extreme Ideologies Threatening Democracy

Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision


The world is at a crossroads. Events unthinkable just ten years ago are now commonplace. The post-WW2 and Cold War order, that brought unprecedented peace and prosperity at a time of massive global threats, is being rudely challenged by multiple external and internal crises simultaneously. Liberal globalized democratic model of governance is being excoriated by its very beneficiaries. New multinational and multi-ethnic conflicts are flaring up almost daily. Wealth inequality, long a staple of the system, is now reaching unmanageable proportions at the speed of Amazon’s “buy now” button.

And then there are the leaders of the free world. With decades of personal experience to draw on, a plethora of think tanks and research institutes at their disposal, one might reasonably expect a swift, logical and effective response from that leadership. Yet day after day, the only area where they truly excel is coming up with endless excuses and platitudes for yet another heavy blow to our collective sense of normalcy.

That is why I feel obligated to write this post and go over five distinct ideological phenomena that I believe are some of the main causes of the current state of affairs. While originating from completely unrelated and uncomparable motivations, in their current evolution they share baffling similarities.



Balancing Act
Unfiltered Vision

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.