The End of Putin Has Begun — Full Historical Analysis of The Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Fundraising Special)

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Balancing Act
Ukraine Diaries
Published in
9 min readFeb 27, 2022


Source: 24 Channel

Delusions of peace have been shattered. Europe is at war. All those previously denying Putin’s bellicose insanity have fallen silent as battle tanks are rolling over Ukraine’s sovereignty and Russian rockets are pummeling innocent civilians inside their apartments. The inescapably tragic loss of life for tens of thousands of people is only a matter of time now. Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis has the world ever been at such a high risk of a catastrophic nuclear exchange.

Yet those of us familiar with modern European history are experiencing an eerie sense of deja vu. Those less so will find the following analysis even more enlightening. Also included at the end of the post are some of the recent videos from Ukraine, to help assess the latest state of this failing invasion (WARNING, GRAPHIC FOOTAGE).

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” — Mark Twain

“putin = nazi = hitler” — Balancing Act

Policy of Appeasement



Balancing Act
Ukraine Diaries

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.