I Can’t Go to the Gym
To My Grandfather
You’ve had more of an influence on me with your presence, it seems..
As your absence drastically impacted my routine,
Though I‘ve had my own motivations in the past,
and still…
I’ve almost gotten back to myself, completely,
since you left us..
I still can’t bring myself to go,
I’ve used it to better manage my emotions time again,
but this is different..
it cannot fill the hole in my heart,
which can only be repaired in time,
The loss of my father figure..
I know you’d want me to return,
I know it’s only a matter of time before I do,
There from the day I was born,
to having to live life without you in my corner is the greatest heartbreak of my life thus far,
Death is inevitable, of course..
I just did not expect for it to come for you so soon,
I was hoping that everything would get better,
and it didn’t..