Res publica

Ankur Pandey
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

A republic is a government in which restricted representatives of citizens form a political unit. This select group is expected to fairly represent the citizens at large.

The concerns of us citizens are not just material. These concerns become increasingly ideological as we start expanding our sphere of action and influence. We are pretty much born aware of our primal urges, but our relationships with family, work, state- and retrospectively- self are heavily subject to the ideologies we are surrounded by.

The information is being produced and consumed at such a massive rate that it is futile to expect citizens to organically grow the taxonomy of their ideologies. It is conveniently easy for our minds to board the ship of few ideologies we happens to circumstantially subscribe to early on in life, and then delegate further journey to the crew of these very ideologies.

And this is when we inadvertently form a republic of the ideologies.

Republic of the ideologies

Republic of the ideologies is similar to how a traditional republic is structured. At least it should be, except that each of us think that our respective representatives are the one in power. It is not that we listen to the representatives of the opposition and then reach a conclusion. All the speeches by the opposition are either muted or reduced to mere mockery by the gatekeepers of the house.

Beware the gatekeepers.

