Eight Don Miguel Ruiz Quotes to Wake from the Dream of Fear

Bring true love to your relationships by first loving yourself.

Doug Fraley
Unguarded Gate


Photo by Jaime Handley on Unsplash

Don Miguel Ruiz, a Toltec sage, is most famous for The Four Agreements. I draw here on another of his works, The Mastery of Love, which focuses more on relationships. I found it full of wisdom that reaches deeper than my relation to others, shedding light on the most important relationship — mine with myself.

Don Miguel sets out early the central role fear plays in most lives. Its purpose is as a warning system, and in our youngest days, it works as intended. But then…

Life as a child raised by human parents contorts and over-sensitises our emotions. A behavioural heritage of upbringing across generations culminates in today’s parent injuring the child’s emotional body. The child loses trust in others as well as faith in her own worthiness of love. She learns that she is not good enough and so tries to craft and project an image of a different self who deserves love. She then mistakes this fear-generated image for herself and judges herself against an ideal of perfection.

The fear of not being good enough for someone else is what makes us try to change, what makes us create an image…. Soon we…



Doug Fraley
Unguarded Gate

I coach, write and teach on topics of personal growth and spiritual enquiry. doug-fraley.com