Move freezed objects back to world coordinate 0,0,0

Unhandled Perfection
Unhandled — Maya
2 min readFeb 10, 2018

You may encounter a situation where you want to move an object to 0,0,0 world coordinate but your Channel Box for the object already shows 0,0,0.

This happens when you “Freeze Transform” an object from It may happen that an you have already “Freeze Transformed” an object in your scene. The Freeze Transform option will zero out all move, rotate, scale to 0.

Using MEL Scripting you can accomplish this with the following command.


move -rpr 0 0 0;


  1. Select the object from the viewport.
  2. Open the script editor from Windows > General Editor > Script Editor or by clicking on the { ; } icon all the way at the bottom right of the application.
  3. Paste the code in the bottom half of the script editor.
  4. Finally in the script editor menu select Command > Execute.

Note that the translate coordinates will be updated relative to the location of the object before the command. To zero this out use Modify > Freeze Transformations again.

