Astha Chopra
UNI Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2019

Our city, Our identity

Rushing through the streets of the city,

The street lights shine bright and dense

The façades pass by in a blur,

Of monochrome and neon luminescence;


Monumental towers of glass and metal

Surround us in a towering boundary

Confining us within man-made borders

And shrouding me with worry;

Sourced from freepik.com

Slowing down on a red light,

I catch a glimpse of a crowd

Growing by the minute,

Seeming to be wowed;


I join the horde of people,

Pushing and pulling to get close

The object in question turns out to be,

Just a bench, but offering a new dose -


Of innovation — built with materials

Gathered from the heart of our city

Painted by local artists,

Depicting the urban nitty gritty;

It was a breath of fresh air

To see something as ordinary as a seat

Representing our ancestry and stories,

In a manner so new and neat;


The bench stood apart, making us realize

That the identity of our city was lost

Behind a façade of urbanization,

Modernism had come to us at a great cost;


The idea caught fire with such great speed

That in a matter of months, pop of colors

And materials had begun to grace our streets,

On which we had not laid eyes on since forever;


It was furniture in literal terms,

Lights, bus stands, swings

But to us it was establishing an urbanscape

Symbiosis, like it a new beginning;

St+Art India: “We Love Delhi” by Lek & Sowat and Hanif Kureshi, New Delhi

The city now felt ours, with

People on the street, walking excitedly

To meet their neighbors and stop for a chat

At the new park, discussing the days gone by;


The revolution was not big, yet

it brought about a new identity, meant

To give us a sense of belonging to our home

Our city, represent!


BOUN’s Urbanscape: Symbiosis is a step forward that seeks to blur the boundaries between the concept of urban identity and the furniture, or public infrastructure, that represent that city. The competition aims at birthing ideas that move public furniture from industrial convenience of mass production to something more symbiotic and contextual to the urban fabric it belongs to.

For registration and more information, visit http://urbanscape.uni.xyz/



Astha Chopra
UNI Blog

An Interior Architect by day and an avid writer and reader by night. Obsessed with travelling in search of new design cultures, cuisines, seas and sunsets.