Uni Terminal X OTSea: Expanding Peer-to-Peer Trading

Uni Terminal
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2023

Uni Terminal is fast becoming renowned for its innovative approach in the crypto trading space. Today the Swiss Army knife for traders announced a significant partnership with OTSea, as they integrate the peer-to-peer exchange into the Uni Terminal extension. This alliance is just one of many recent collaborations announced, proving that Uni Terminal is fully committed to its promise to deliver the most comprehensive all-in-one trading platform on the market.

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About Uni Terminal

Uni Terminal is a versatile crypto trading platform, which integrates various trading tools and dApps within a user-friendly interface. This includes Chart, Swap, Bridge, Mixer, GambleFi, and Perps, with new functionality being added all the time. Designed for efficiency and adaptability, Uni Terminal now offers support for both ETH and SOL networks, with hints of more to come in the future. With an emphasis on robust security measures to protect user data and assets, including advanced protocols and a ‘No Wallet’ design, a secure trading environment is ensured. This comprehensive approach makes it a reliable choice for both novice and experienced crypto traders.

About OTSea

OTSea is a blockchain-based platform designed for peer-to-peer exchanges of ERC20 tokens. It offers traders an alternative avenue for buying and selling ERC20 tokens, bypassing traditional liquidity pools. With a focus on peer-to-peer transactions, OTSea utilises smart contracts as intermediaries, enhancing the trading process with additional features and capabilities.

Uni Terminal and OTSea

This partnership with OTSea is a strategic move for Uni Terminal, as it aligns with the platform’s mission to provide diverse and comprehensive trading tools to its users. The integration of OTSea into Uni Terminal’s extension brings a traditional yet innovative trading method to the platform, offering users the chance to engage in peer-to-peer transactions directly.

Enhancing Trading

By incorporating OTSea, Uni Terminal users now have access to a broader spectrum of trading opportunities, especially for those looking to maximise returns from their ERC20 token holdings. This addition not only diversifies the trading options on Uni Terminal but also enriches the user experience by providing more direct and potentially profitable trading paths.

Crypto Trading Innovation

The partnership between Uni Terminal and OTSea is more than just an integration of services; it’s a step forward in redefining the crypto trading landscape. This collaboration opens up new possibilities for Uni Terminal users, further establishing the platform’s position as a leader in innovative trading solutions. With this new partnership, Uni Terminal continues to demonstrate its commitment to offering versatile, secure, and user-friendly trading experiences.


With every new partnership we expand our revenue share programme, as income is funnelled into rewards. This ensures that as Uni Terminal grows, so do the benefits for the community. Additionally, there’s an exciting tease for early adopters: download, engage and stay active, and you might just find yourself eligible for an exclusive airdrop…

As Uni Terminal expands its capabilities with partnerships like OTSea, it continues to lead in crypto trading innovation, offering versatile and user-friendly solutions. Explore these enhanced trading opportunities by downloading Uni Terminal and joining our growing community to stay at the forefront of the crypto trading evolution.

