Baseledger: Governance Council and Developer Documentation
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4 min readDec 9, 2021

In September, we announced the launch of Baseledger, our Blockchain for Baselining. In November, we shared a development update around the Baseledger Lakewood Testnet. In this blog post, we want to summarize the latest achievements, which we presented at the Baseline Show on Dec 8.

Baseledger Governance Council

For an enterprise grade solution, the decision making, the documentation of these decisions, and the report on any progress on development side should also be professional and as decentralized as UBT as a token already is. This is the reason we officially founded the Baseledger Governance Council ( The decision for this structure has happened in communication between Unibright and German Regulators, for example to ensure that the UBT token model is properly applied, future proof and compliant.

The tasks for the council members governing Baseledger include assessing, negotiating and voting on the governance rules, running nodes, appointing other parties to run nodes and representing the Baseledger network. The council members work on adjusting the overall rules and conditions of the network if necessary, work jointly on the core-software (along with the public source community), manage network pricing, drive customer on-boarding, and work on a flexible path to ensure regulatory compliance.

We are happy to welcome Consensys Mesh, Concircle, Finspot, SPO, Iconic Holding, Unibright Benelux, Lakewood Consulting and others to be founding members of the Baseledger Council!

The Baseledger Mainnet launch is targeted for Q1 2022, and all decisions and announcements are now made by the official channels and

Update on the Baseledger Development Documentation

We updated the Baseledger Documentation on As an interested developer, you can now find explanation on how to…

  • drop “proofs” (e.g.a Hash, a Root of a Merkle Tree, a partial input of a ZK circuit, a ZK proof or whatever other elements that can be a result or an intermediate step in a Baseline process) on Baseledger Lakewood on a pre-installed node like
  • drop “proofs” on Baseledger Lakewood by running your own node and equipping it with Baseledger internal “worktokens” by using a Faucet (in Mainnet, you will only be able to receive these internal worktokens by paying UBT)
  • run your own replicating node
  • …find all the transactions on our explorer on

TrustMesh Demo

As a motivation on how to use Baseledger, we presented a small Excel demo of two participants that want to baseline the synchronization of a Name file in Excel (on the Dec 8 Baseline show). We defined the workflow by two worksteps. The first one is agreeing on LastName and FirstName, the second one is agreeing on a nickname. All suggestions, versions and approvals are summarized in a “TrustMesh”, a multi-dimensional version-approval graph which was already used in the SAP2SAP synchronization demo by our partners from Concircle. Every TrustMesh element is anchored in Baseledger, and the finalization is additionally anchoring all Baseledger steps in Ethereum Ropsten:

The Excel-Frontend of our excel synchronization demo
The TrustMesh entries of our excel synchronization demo
One of the corresponding Transactions in the Baseledger Explorer under
Anchoring a finalized TrustMesh Synchronisation in Ropsten

We are excited on updating you about further progress on our road to Baseledger Mainnet — stay tuned!

About Unibright: Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. Unibright offers Consulting with Unibright Solutions, Low-Code-Integration Tools with the “Unibright Framework” as part of Provide, programmable DeFi with Unibright Freequity, and the Universal Business Token UBT. Unibright is engaged in the Baseline Protocol, offers Baseledger as a solution to orchestrate and trust-enhance B2B processes and offers ERP-Blockchain-integration with Partners like Concircle.

