How Unibright stands equal with tech giants like Microsoft and Lufthansa
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2018

A little more than 3 month after their succesful ICO (rasing 13.5 Mio USD in 10 days), the blockchain for enterprise enabler Unibright signs partnerhsips and finds first customers.

How comes that a new kid on the block (sic!) is able to join with Microsoft, set up events with Lufthansa and collaborate with other giants in the field of blockchain technology?

For the big players offering tech solutions there are similiar hurdles to overcome as for large companies wanting to make use of the unique feature blockchain technology offers.

A product or framework is needed enabling the integration of this exciting new blockchain world, to the already existing off-chain world. Top layers patterns are needed that allow to focus on business processes and not on technical details coming with different blockchain implementations.

A unifying approach is asked for, caring about the whole life-cylce of a business process, meaning its definition, implementation, maintenance, monitoring and integration.

It might be a bad idea to bind oneselve to one specific blockchain implementation and build up expertise for it, unsure about its future and the development of the whole domain of blockchain technology.

For playing a vital role in the large scale acceptance and usage of blockchain technology for enterprises, Unibright’s approach is unique by offering a solution to the described problems. Due to this, it becomes attrative for tech giants that want to get consumption to their infrastructure build for blockchain nodes, consulting companies searching for solutions to offer their customers that are heavily asking for a way into blockchain technology and enteprises themselves, looking for a future-proof solution to get “their feet wet” in blockchain technology.

Microsoft Hackathon
Only days after the token launch the partnerhsip with Microsoft Germany led to a common 2 day hackathon in Microsofts headquearter in Munich. Unibright Hyperledger and Solidity specialists helped the more than 50 participants from different large companies to set alive their first smart contracts.

Hackathon with Lufthansa
Lufthansa, the biggest European airline, supported Unibright‘s “Hackathon without a single line of code” at Pillar Unconference 2018 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Based on different templates, like Unibright’s “Asset Lifecycle” Template, participants of the “Hackathon without a single line of code” worked on visual definitions for a real life use case, encouraged by Lufthansa:

  • asset lifecycle of planes and equipments in the blockchain
  • Miles&More and alliance/partner loyalty programs in blockchain
  • voucher management for Lufthansa partners in blockchain
  • personal seat and flight booking management for professionals and resellers

Zühlke Customer Event
In line with this, a customer event was held on June, 21st with the 1000 eomplyees counting technical blockchain partner Zuelhke. Aiming more on the strategic level, hand-picked decisions-makers and CTOs from large german companies where invited and got a first hand introduction and blockchain “as a new technology” and how companies can make use of it using Unibright’s no-code, template-based approach.

Unibright offers a unified framework bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically based on visual definitions. Unibright’s existing integration plattform allow the automatic integration and monitoring of these smart contracts into existing off-chain systems like for example SAP ERP or other legacy systems.
Unibright is a German company, already partnered up with Microsoft, NEM and others and is working with top-level companies like Lufthansa on bringing blockchain technology to enterprise usage.

The utility token needed to use the Unibright framework is being listed on QRYPTOS starting 14th of August 2018.

