The Unibright Ambassador Program
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

As announced in our blog post about our marketing and communication strategy, we want to start an Ambassador program. In this blog post you will learn what it is all about and how to become part of it.

What is the idea of the Ambassador Program?

The Unibright framework has the power to revolutionize the way enterprises make use of blockchain technology. We offer templates for different use cases, so enterprises have an easy entry point on how enhance their processes by the power of blockchain. We are blockchain agnostic, so enterprises do not have to write a single line of code, our tools will do it automatically for whatever blockchain is the best for the company. We also integrate existing systems and provide an intelligent view on the complete business process.

Your enterprise wants to make use of blockchain? Unibright offers everything you need. Unibright: blockchain simplified.

The idea of the ambassador program is to spread the word about blockchain use for enterprises and why Unibright is the perfect framework to go for. Ambassadors are early adopters who understand why blockchain will revolutionize the world and how Unibright helps to get into the subject.

What does a Unibright ambassador do?

Unibright Ambassadors are individuals that understand the promises of blockchain technology and the key features of the Unibright framework. They explain it in online communities, on meetups in their region or on conferences they visit.

Unibright Ambassadors understand the disruptive potential of blockchain technology. They are part of the community that turns blockchain into mainstream by bringing enterprises closer to blockchain with Unibright.

How does Unibright help their ambassadors?

Unibright provides you with all information you need to do the work as an Ambassador.

  • Bastian (our CCO) and Ruud (our Communication strategist) will provide you with learning material in written form, in short explanation videos and in online meetings to ensure you have all the knowledge you need to spread the word about blockchain and Unibright. They will meet you (online or in person) on a regular base and help you improving your blockchain and Unibright skills.
  • Our Ambassador angels, DataDash and BlockchainBrad will provide exclusive online lessons on crypto and blockchain related trends, news and options to ensure you are always up to date with the current state of what is going on.
    Our ambassador angels are not getting paid for this! Their motivation is to spread know-how about blockchain itself!
  • The Unibright core team will assist you on meet ups you organize or attend, will be available to support you on AMAs or in local online communites you create

How can I apply to be a Unibright ambassador?

Let us know something about you and your motivation in crypto space. Tell us where you are from and why you are the right person we are looking for! Tell us how much time you are able to spend on being an Ambassador. It doesn’t matter if it’s two hours a week or 16 hours a day, as long as you have a proper time management and an idea on how to use the time.

Please send your application to and choose “Ambassador application” as subject. Tell us your telegram ID and we will contact you and set up a hangout or skype with one of the core team members and with Ruud, our Ambassador manager.

What will I get out of it?

You will be part of the Unibright Ambassador Team. You will be able to get insights on the blockchain world at an early stage and “real life” projects. You will be able to learn a lot and get a great position for your personal career. You will be in personal contact with and learn from some of the worlds top influencers in blockchain. You will be able to make a change — not only for yourself but also for society!

We will support you with marketing material, with our time and knowledge and with a dedicated budget for conferences, meetups and travel expenses. You will be provided with exclusive Unibright merchandising. We will feature you on our website, so you are recognized as a memeber of the Unibright Ambassador team. You will be part of our journey, bringing blockchain technology to mass adoption!

SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO — we are excited to have you in!

