Unibright forms EEA Taskforce EMINENT together with Chainlink and Anyblock Analytics

Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2020

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Mainnet Working Group has formed a key Task Force named EMINENT (Ethereum Mainnet Integration for Enterprises), focused on the standards and specifications used to integrate the Ethereum Mainnet with ERP, CRM, and other corporate systems of record. The EMINENT Task Force is being organized with significant contribution and commitment from EEA member organizations Chainlink, Unibright and Anyblock Analytics.

The original post on the EMINENT formation is available on https://entethalliance.org/eea-mainnet-working-group-forms-task-force-eminent-ethereum-mainnet-integration-for-enterprises/

Given the state of adoption in early 2020, many enterprises still behave hesitant towards the power of blockchain. Some see the blockchain as a pure distributed database concept, some as the new world computer. Nevertheless, most of the blockchain implementations that really support businesses processes are built in private or consortial chains.

Unibright is aware of these facts. And as enabling the enterprise world to make use of blockchain technology is the key objective of Unibright, we built everything around Unibright about the key concept of integration from the very beginning: With Unibright, enterprises can connect their existing off-chain systems to whatever blockchain, can establish cross-chain connections across various protocols and can do all that without the need to write a single line of code.

Like stated in our blog posts about Research & Development and about our outlook for 2020, we want Unibright to have a leading role in the future definition on how Blockchain will be used by enterprises. That is why we are forming the EMINENT Task Force under the roof of the EEA.

We teamed up with Chainlink, Anyblock Analytics and others to best possibly drive adoption and innovation: Unibright as the leading player in blockchain-based business integration, Chainlink as the leading oracle provider for inputs and outputs of smart contracts and Anyblock Analytics as an innovative provider of blockchain data analytics and tools formed this dream-team to accelerate and scale the adoption of Ethereum in businesses.

Tas Dienes (ethereum.org), chair of the working group states:

“We are excited to see all of these companies working together to realize the benefits of using Ethereum mainnet in enterprise applications. The system of record integration use case is a strong one, and this task force’s work will dovetail nicely with others such as the Enterprise Use Cases and Requirements Task Force.”

John Wolpert, MWG vice-chair and convener adds:

“Getting the Mainnet working as an always-on enterprise service bus (#magicbus) is a powerful idea that security-minded CISOs can get behind. Imagine a world where you don’t need to expend massive capital to support every new partner integration. To make this work, we need experts laying down the standards for common-sense integration with enterprise systems of record. Unibright has the experience connecting blockchain to ERP. Chainlink has the experience keeping different databases, run by different companies, in a state of consistency. That’s a promising combination.”

Marten Jung, CEO and co-founder of Unibright states:

“This task force is exactly what is needed to bring enterprises closer to blockchain usage. We are happy to engage in this task force in a leading part. We can use our 20+ years of experience in business integration, the technology knowledge we built around our Unibright framework and the domain knowledge we gained with unibright.solutions to make this a success.”

Stefan Schmidt, CTO and co-founder of Unibright agrees:

“In current client projects we all see a lot of individual development due to the lack of standards. Our goal is to make life easier for enterprises and technology providers, to help building standards and to be able to focus on the special 20% of an individual use-case, rather than re-inventing wheels all the time. The setup of this task force is very powerful and we are happy to be a leading part of it.”

If you take a look at the Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack, the EMINENT Task Force will touch pretty much everything related to the “Enterprise Ethereum” items (coloured light purple in the slide): Rearranging existing architectures around centralized ERP-systems towards decentralization implicates new ideas about how systems interact, what kind of (internal) states can or should be recorded in a publicly available distributed ledger, how external information is included, and how the growing amount of data can be handled and analyzed. Challenges herein involve concepts on computation, storage and messaging which bridge the gap between entirely centralized system landscapes and pure smart contract implementations.

The task force is set up to work for 18–24 months. Initially, the task schedule will focus on defining work packages, then expand into building best practice solutions within proof-of-concept implementations, and finally provide open-source available documentation and specification basis (like ERC standards) for further development by the public Ethereum community and EEA members. Intermediate results will be presented to the public while the task force is active. All Unibright followers can expect regular updates and first insights on the progress of EMINENT in this blog as well.

About the EEA Mainnet Working Group

The “Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Mainnet Working Group” (under the leadership of Consensys, EY and Microsoft) is a joint initiative of the Ethereum Foundation and the EEA, and extends the focus of permissioned blockchains (serving as a distributed ledger within business consortia) to the public Ethereum mainnet. The group will make the case for how the mainnet can be used in a safe and effective way by businesses.

About Unibright

Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. Unibright turn ideas into businesses, and improve processes with the help of blockchain technology.

Unibright develops enterprise solutions, invests in start-ups, builds process modelling tools and integration platforms and offers a 360° ecosystem around tokenized assets.

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Learn more by visiting the Unibright website, Twitter and Medium.

