Unibright visits ESA & Partnership with the European Blockchain Foundation

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3 min readJan 31, 2019

Blockchain technology has been finding its way into many industries lately, such as finance, insurance, and transportation. Space is no exception! Unibright was asked to give a presentation at the European Space Agency (ESA) Visitors Centre.

The ESA has been keeping an eye on blockchain technology themselves, to see how they can start adopting blockchain technology in their ecosystem.

This week, Unibright also became an official partner of the European Blockchain Foundation (EBF). The EBF is a non-profit organization that aims to connect governments, corporations and EU-citizens with blockchain technology. EBF has ties with the government in The Netherlands, the European Parliament, as well as to organizations like the ESA. One of their goals is to a create a blockchain friendly ecosystem in Europe by closely working with regulators.

Bart Brands, chairman of the EBF, and connected to ESA, invited Unibright to present the Unibright Framework at the ESA Visitors Centre in Noordwijk in the Netherlands.

Unibright was one out of three companies to present at ESA. Ruud Huisman, Lead Ambassador of Unibright presented the Unibright Framework to the ESA team. The Unibright Ambassador Team, which consists of 15 people, has been incredibly helpful throughout the last seven months. Whether it’s through helping with contacts, bringing in new ideas or helping within the community, the ambassadors have added great value to the Unibright team. So at Unibright we want to say thank you to all our 15 ambassadors for giving us their time and energy!

Ruud presenting Unibright at ESA

There are many opportunities for blockchain adoption at ESA, for example using geo- and time- tagged photographs used for insurance claim processing on damaged assets; timestamping of land title ownership transfer; and asset tracking and tracing for supply chain management. After the ESA presented their ideas as well, all participants were taken on a tour through the visitor centre, getting insights on the inner workings of the International Space Station.

Inside the International Space Station

With the help of Unibright, ESA will not need to hire expensive blockchain developers. But instead they can design their own workflows, connect their off chain systems to the blockchain (Ethereum, NEM, Hyperledger, EOS and others), and manage the entire process at the click of a button — without ever writing a single line of code.

Besides working on the Unibright Framework itself, the ESA event is a perfect example for how we and our ambassador team are always working on new potential pilots, clients and showcasing benefits of blockchain solutions.

Unibright offers a unified framework, bringing blockchain technology and smart contracts to mainstream usage. With its “no-coding-needed” approach, smart contracts get generated, deployed and updated automatically into different blockchains. Unibright works with visual, usecase-related templates and also automatically integrates existing IT systems into the blockchain.

Unibright Solutions, a dedicated consulting branch to support blockchain use in business processes, was additionally launched in December 2018.

More information on Unibright: https://unibright.io
Unibright Blockchain Consulting Services:

