Tracking Time Spent in React Native

Chaitanya Varma
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2021

Accurate tracking of the time spent by a user in react native mobile application

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

What do we want to do?

We want to track the time spent by the user across our application. To give a bit of context, we use react-native for developing our mobile application. We embody the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle to reduce code duplication. So, we have decided to write a HOC (Higher Order Component) in our application to track user activity across multiple components. Simply put, the following are the OKRs:


To accurately measure the time spent by the user undertaking a task.

Key Results:

  1. Measure the time spent by the User.
  2. Discard the time when the user is idle on the app.
  3. Discard the time when the app is in the background

How did we do it?

We did this by writing a HOC component named Timer that can be used to wrap other components for which time tracking is required. HOC is a technique in React for reusing component logic i.e. HOC takes a component as an argument and returns a new component.

Measure the time spent by the user

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

To measure the time spent, we have added resetTimer and stopTimer methods as props to the Wrapped Component. The render method will look as follows:

Here we use the resetTimer method to start theActivityTimer which is used to increment the activeSeconds (state object) using setInterval

Following are the code snippets

Discard the time when the user is idle on the app

Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash

To discard the time when the user is idle on the app i.e. when the app is open but there is no activity, we have added one more timer called InactivityTimer which is doing the countdown of seconds starting from the specifiedinactiveSeconds which is passed as an argument to this HOC. This is used to stop the timer when the user is idle for a certain number of seconds. The following is the updated code snippet to perform the mentioned operations.

As shown above, we are calling thestopTimer method when the inactiveSeconds reaches zero.

Here we will be calling the resetTimer method in the wrapped component to start the timer. One way to do this is to call the resetTimer method in getDerivedStateFromPropswhich is invoked right before calling the render method. Here the resetTimermethod is used to reset the inactiveSeconds timer. One challenge we encountered here is tracking the touches of the user so that we can reset the inactiveSeconds timer on touch. Since touches won’t affect the state (or) props of the component, getDerivedStateFromProps cannot be used. So, we made use of UserInactivity from react-native-user-inactivity library which is used around the wrapper component to track user touches. Here we added includeTouchActivityas a parameter to our HOC to make this feature customizable. Following is the code snippet:

Discard the time when the app is in the background

Photo by David Švihovec on Unsplash

To discard the time spent when the app is in the background i.e. to stop the timer, we made use of AppState from react-native which can tell you if the app is in the foreground or background, and notify you when the state changes. So, we are calling stopTimer method when the app goes to background and resetTimer method when the app comes to the foreground. Following are the updated code snippets.



Chaitanya Varma
Writer for

Passionate about building world class products to make people lives better.