Welcome to Unicorn Digest

Shu Takahashi
1 min readJul 22, 2020


Hi! Thanks for checking out Unicorn Digest, a personal blog publication by Shu Takahashi. I’m a Japanese engineering student studying at a Canadian university. I love creating things especially things related to digital fabrication and physical computing.

What is this Publication About?
I created this publication because I wanted to share my thought process and side projects. I’ve shared my past projects on my personal portfolio and my YouTube channel, but I wanted a place where I can write more frequently.

In this publication, I will share my thoughts regarding my interests (mostly electronics, digital fabrication, physical computing), share my side projects that I didn’t usually share publicly in the past, and share my progress on my main projects.

Why is this Publication Named Unicorn Digest?
Honestly, I don’t really have a huge reason. I was thinking of naming it Shu’s Blog, Inside Shu’s Funny Head, or Shu’s Creations, but they all sounded boring and plain. I’ve been fascinated and inspired by unicorn tech startups and there is something rare and mysterious about unicorns (if they exist of course…). I wanted a publication name that people can easily remember. Hence, I came up with the name. If you have better suggestions, please do let me know.

