Why you should vote for Hillary even if you are a Bernie supporter.

tyesha snow
Unicorns with Wings
2 min readJan 20, 2016


If you are a progressive type I’m sure you are thinking a lot about the next presidential election. For me the number one issue I’m concerned about is preventing any one of the terrifying republican candidates from winning.

It’s really important that you really stop and think about what that would mean. You are probably a solid middle class if not upper class person. You are probably from this country and you are probably white. So let’s start with that. In this election I want you to think beyond yourself and what you want for this country and what you feel is right in your heart. If the republican candidate wins it will suck for you. The economy will suffer, it always does under their leadership. You’ll have more things to be angry about listening to NPR in the morning. Your values will not be represented well in the legislation that is able to pass. It would suck. I feel all of this. But what keeps me up at night is the people that will truly suffer and die. Those who control the budget have a way-to-large hand in the suffering of your fellow americans and people all over the world then we tend to acknowledge. I think this is because we don’t really experience the effects. Not the way the poor and marginalized people of the world do.

I few budget lines removed, a few programs defunded and real suffering is escalated. Children face homes with added stress which leads to abuse. Women can’t take care of themselves or find the support to escape really bad situations. The current right wing political machine will make decisions concerning education, war, immigration, guns, healthcare, that will have a devastating effect on the weakest of our population. You can’t underestimate the potential carnage a republican administration with the support of a strongly republican house and senate could reap.

So, please listen to this wonderful run down of why you should reconsider voting for Bernie Sanders. Rebecca Traister speaking on this episode of Call Your Girlfriend does a way better job articulating it than I can.


