Entering the world of Crypto

UniDAX Exchange
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

First of all, welcome and thank you for joining us here on this journey further into block-chain, cryptocurrency and eventually decentralization.

Let us introduce ourselves, we are UniDAX. Who or what is a UniDAX? Good question. Simply put, we are an exchange, offering buying, selling and trading of a few cryptocurrencies for now. More to come later. Interested in listing a coin? Click here

Our team, is made up of finance backgrounds from banking and trading, all the way to those of us, creating material for marketing. We like to keep things as simple as possible, offering the best we can, for our community, building and using the exchange together.

Right now, we are releasing media on social networks, Facebook/Instagram, Twitter and Telegram. Check us out if you want some more information, in picture format of course, we really do want to make things as clear, and simple as possible.

We have been working tirelessly building our platform, to allow for everyone to buy, sell and trade here with us. For now, you can enjoy BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC and USDT trading pairs. We will add more later, but for now, it will be these major 5.

If you want to start, we accept CNY on our site, and HKD using WeChat trading.

For access click here

We will be adding more information, coming soon and promotions to watch out for. Stick around long enough, and we might all just see that bitcoin to the moon.

Your universal Exchange,


Facebook. Instagram. Website. Telegram.



UniDAX Exchange

Unidax is a global crypto exchange platform. Offering users services to buy bitcoin and other crypto assets. Partnered with Uwallet for secure asset storage.