Z&Q&A #2: It’s… the same questions we always ask!

Dan Steiner
Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2019

Being present. Being innovative. Being generous. Being a savvy shopper.

Cailain Joubert is doing a Bachelor of Arts, Majoring in Public Relations and Social Media — and she’s here to tell you the Gen Z stuff you need to know.

“I’m mainly stressed about money — specifically, having enough to support myself and my dreams,” Cailain says.

When we interviewed 3,000 Aussie Gen Z students last year, we discovered:
> 68% of our respondents said they were “stressed about life in general”.

> 81% don’t feel financially stable.

> 72% don’t feel like they have any free time.

> 63% are concerned about how others perceive them.

> 71% worry about finding work after graduating.

Hi Cailain. Welcome to Z&Q&A aka ‘The same questions we always ask Gen Z students’.
Thanks. It’s an honour to answer the same questions as everyone else.

In light of those daunting stats above, tell us what Gen Z’s so stressed about.
I try super-hard not to stress about things that are out of my control… but I would totally be lying if I said I don’t stress. I’m mainly stressed about money — specifically, having enough to support myself and my dreams.

Let’s take a quick detour into your dreams. If money wasn’t a stress, what would you buy right now?
First, a plane ticket for my boyfriend and friends to come visit me — I’m currently in a long-distance relationship; he lives in the US — second would be to buy a house, and, finally, I’d go on a shopping spree with my Mum.

That was a nice dream detour. Mind if we return to stress?
Yeah, that’s fine.

I think a lot about falling behind and not keeping up with my peers and their accomplishments. I always hear other people’s stories about working in big companies or startups, and I get concerned I don’t have the experience to succeed post-uni.

I’m also low-key stressed about the environment, climate-change, and the impacts we have on our world.

Right, so there’s a bit on your mind.
There are a few things, yes.

If there was something you could change in your life that would make things easier, what would it be? Here’s the kicker: it can’t be money.
One main thing would be to try not to think about the future or what’s to come.

My personal wellbeing could really benefit from being more present and not worrying about other people and where they’re at in life.

“I get concerned I don’t have the experience to succeed post-uni.”

We’d all do well to adopt that sort of mindset. What are the most common misperceptions about Gen Z?
Many people believe we’re this social media/technology-fuelled generation and that we’re obsessed with our phones.

Something else people get wrong is that we’re lazy and have it easy.

We’re incredibly hard-working and motivated to do great things in life — and we have all these new platforms that allow us to be innovative and communicate in new forms.

We’re also a super-cool bunch of people who are always down for a chat.

As a Millennial, I can safely say we aren’t cool and don’t enjoy unscheduled conversations. Not to pose a leading question, but how can brands make students love them?
Something that helps a lot is— and I can’t stress this enough — Discount. Codes. More brands need to keep students in mind. Even just saving a few dollars goes a long way for us.

Annoying things brands do… Go!
A lack of communication with their customer base stands out for me. A lot of the time, we as customers have no idea what’s happening with our favourite brands. Like, we want to know what’s coming next and what you’re working on. Even just interacting with us online where you can, whether that’s through customer service or on social.

It’s also the worst when you get bombarded with social media ads from some of your favourite online stores.

What a beautiful segue: do you prefer online or in-store shopping?
Despite the ads, I defs prefer online. I find it’s just super convenient for students like me, who work and study full-time.

I’m not a fan of going to the store because:
(1) Shop assistants won’t leave me alone, so I can’t touch all the clothes and go, ‘Aw, this is so cute’ in peace;
(2) I honestly don’t have time to go during store hours;
(3) I have more options online, and the majority of online boutiques have affiliate discount codes, so I can save more money.

Shopping online also gives me the chance to order straight to my house, so I can try stuff on in the comfort of my home and with my other clothes.

“More brands need to keep students in mind. Even just saving a few dollars goes a long way for us.”

Where does your money go?
I usually put the majority towards savings and leave a few hundred to pay for bills, my social life, food, occasionally something I like and want. I don’t really spend much on anything other than needs; I want to grow my savings and not be stressed out by my finances.

Who or what has influenced your approach to money?
My parents have influenced me a lot, like when it comes to spending money wisely and not just impulse buying.

Also, working super-hard to earn my money has influenced my approach. Most uni students are casual employees, which means we don’t have a stable income and have to be conscious of what we do with our money.

Thank you for all those insights. Shall we do the Speed Round?
We shall.

Would you prefer to have your own business or be part of a company?

Rent or buy?

Spend or Save?

If you could only choose one streaming service, what would it be?

Would you rather receive a new car (soz, it’s a sensible hatchback) or a 3mth, all-expenses paid trip to Europe?
Of course, the trip to Europe.

Describe how you feel about memes in one word.

What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
Fashion designer

Emoji of choice?
The laughing crying emoji (😂). I use this in almost every conversation I have.

What’s a song on your playlist rn?
Good Things Fall Apart — ILLENIUM and Jon Bellion.

Fave person to follow on social?
Whitney Simmons. I love her account because of her personality and the content she posts.

She’s pretty much a fitness blogger who posts a bunch of great workout routines that I use in the gym. She’s also super-positive about life and living a healthy, balanced lifestyle, which I love.



Dan Steiner

Specialising in Gen Z insights and lifestyle comms for UNiDAYS ANZ