Z&Q&A #3: It’s… the same questions we always ask!

Dan Steiner
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2019

Ink. Illustrations. In-store. iPads. Instagram.

Sophie Luka, Graphic Design Diploma student (soon to be an Advanced Diploma student) and fine line artist, tells you all about Gen Z things.

Sophie starred in our ‘Hi, Achievers!’ content series.

When we interviewed 3,000 Aussie Gen Z students last year, we discovered:

68% of our respondents said they were “stressed about life in general”.

81% don’t feel financially stable.

72% don’t feel like they have any free time.

63% are concerned about how others perceive them.

71% worry about finding work after graduating.

Hi Soph! Welcome to Z&Q&A aka ‘The same questions we always ask Gen Z students’. Let’s start easy: what are you stressed about?
DECEMBER lol! I love that this time of year is hectic for small makers [Soph runs a fine line illustration business under the name JUNEFIGS]! That’s not actually a serious complaint: I love what I do, so being busy is the best.

Something I don’t love is that there’s also tonne of pressure to push marketing and product around this time of year, which deters people from supporting small biz.

If there was something you could change in your life that would make things easier, what would it be? Here’s the kicker: it can’t be money.
This was honestly a really difficult question to answer because everything I thought about came back to my financial situation.

However, I must say having an established network and easy connections would make my life a hell of a lot easier. Networking, getting work, and organising collaborations are my weak points at the moment — comes down to confidence.

What’s something people should know about Gen Z that they either don’t seem to know or just get completely wrong?
In all honesty, I would not underestimate the power that we have on social media — good and bad. Instagram and Facebook are massive marketing tools for us but can also be toxic, so need to be used carefully.

Also, Gen Z is the future, so don’t underestimate us.

Besides misread the youth, what do brands do that really annoys you?
I absolutely hate brands that aren’t transparent with their customers or that go against their word. Lately, I have been really trying to support brands that align with my values.

“Having an established network and easy connections would make my life a hell of a lot easier.”

So values do affect your buying behaviour?
Absolutely. I have a pretty unique style, so I tend to stray away from bigger brands, fast fashion, etc. I try to buy less but buy better. Some of my favourites at the moment are poppy lissiman, who is an Australian Designer, and big bud press, who are based in LA.

Uni is not cheap… DUH… and it’s a slog… DUH. Besides covering your student debt, is there anything brands can do to alleviate the stress of being a student?
Hell yeah! I think about this all the time. It’s not even majority money-based: for me, it’s more like having student nights/events; talks at the office; more sick (not dodgy) interning gigs where you really learn on the job; curated events for students nervous about the workforce.

It’s so scary to come out as a grad, so anything companies can do for the greater good and to support the next generation of employees, the better.

Pragmatic and positive. If money wasn’t a stress, what three things would you buy right now?

  • More tattoos.
  • An iPad.
  • A Koala mattress lol.

“It’s tricky to juggle working for yourself when you have other commitments (day job/full-time study/rent) but I figure it out.”

Back to reality: where does your money currently go?
Pretty lame, but the majority goes to my expensive-ass rent (Sydney lol), groceries, I put a little aside for savings, and the rest I have left over is for food, art stuff, and fun stuff, too.

Are you saving up for anything?
I’m heading to NYC and LA early next year!

Obligatory shopping question: do you prefer online or in-store?
This is tough one, and in all honesty it depends on my situation. During the year, when life is a bit crazy, I really struggle to get to the shops so I will choose online.

However, when I get the chance, I LOVE to go into stores, especially when I’m travelling. I love that some brands are making a real effort to offer an in-store experience for their customers: one of my favourites is Glossier Cosmetics — their stores are super interactive (it’s a shame they aren’t in Aus yet).

A pic from Soph’s Year 3 yearbook, where she reveals her early artistic ambitions.

Alrighty. Time for the Speed Round.

Would you prefer to have your own business or be part of a company?
Own business, for sure! Although it’s just as stressful, if not more so, than working for somebody else, I really enjoy being my own boss.

It’s tricky to juggle working for yourself when you have other commitments (day job/full-time study/rent) but I figure it out.

Down the track, after I’ve finished studying, I aim to do JUNEFIGS full-time from my home studio and build up my client list… 9-to- 5 life just ain’t my thing.

Rent or buy?

Spend or Save?

If you could only choose one streaming service, what would it be and why?
Stan… because RuPaul’s Drag Race duhhhhhh.

Would you rather receive a new car (soz, it’s a sensible hatchback) or a 3mth, all-expenses paid trip to Europe?
Europe, for sure.

Describe how you feel about memes in one word.

What did you wanna be when you were a kid?
Well, ironically, my 9-year-old self actually wanted to be an artist. My Mum scanned this photo [see above] from my Year 3 yearbook.

Favourite emoji?

What are you listening to?
Fallen Alien” by FKA Twigs.

Fave person to follow on social?
Ahhh I can’t pick just one! I need to plug some of my fave female designers/artists/mates/angels while I’m here. Go buy some shit off them for Christmas! @ailiebanks @aluna.ink @ritual.44 @gingertaylorartist @frankieratford @neoncockroach @miss.nobuko @meriaogawa

Our second collab with Soph is officially in the books!



Dan Steiner

Specialising in Gen Z insights and lifestyle comms for UNiDAYS ANZ