Unido Quarterly Investor Updates — Q2 2021

Unido Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2021

Unido concludes its 2nd quarter of 2021 with high spirits as we prepare for the next stage of growth. The team is charged up after an eventful Q2, a quarter where Team Unido brought numerous partnerships, accelerated the product developments, and grew the community substantially.

We will continue to provide regular updates to our investors and broader community as it will help you to track the milestones we set and achieve each period.

Key Updates

Here are key updates on where we are currently and what the coming months have in store for Unido’s journey to become the bridge for enterprise and institutional investors to enter cryptocurrencies and utilize DeFi markets.:

  • The developments of our 3 proprietary enterprise-grade products — Unido EP, Unido Insto and Unido Core is not only on track, but the team is expected to fulfil all the requirements before the planned deadlines.
  • Unido Core’s IP has been already developed and internally tested several times. The next step is to test it with our institutional partners.
  • Our institutional clients will be receiving a customized version of Unido Insto, entirely tailored to their demands. Before we dive deeper into the customizations, our team is building a base modul platform for EQIbank, one of our institutional clients and will finalize deployment with them in the coming weeks. This way, we will be launching Unido Insto with single client as a pilot. Later, it will be deployed rapid fire, utilizing the already completed modules, with further customizations and changes for other institutional clients, based on their demands.
  • Beta version of our defi dashboard which acts as a DeFi Staking Aggregator is released ahead of the schedule. Our DeFi dashboard is a crucial element of our Moonstake deployment, where users will be able to stake tokens like Tezos on Moonstake using our dashboard and get analytics and insights on their returns and investments. Our team is working to aggregate more staking and liquidity yield platforms like Yearn Finance, Uniswap, and Balancer by the end of this year.
  • As announced in our Token Burn program, 60% of the consumption fees will be burnt, 20% will be allocated to reserve and 20% will be allocated to the ecosystem development fund (EDF). We have completed the burn contract and it will be published in the next fortnight ahead of EQIBank going live.

Q2, 2021 Highlights

Here we summarize all the major events of the last 3 months:

  • Partnered with Flourishing Capital’s Flourishing.AI is- a data-driven AI-based market analysis platform. Flourishing.AI will deploy a custom version of Unido Insto for their institutional clients for decentralized security and corporate governance of assets.
  • Partnered with OpenDeFi to allow Unido users to purchase tokenized gold and silver assets, directly via Unido EP.
  • Partnered with EMMI to build a trustless, transparent, secure, and scalable blockchain solution to overcome issues pertaining to the gathering, storing, and reporting of critical carbon emissions data. EMMI selected the Unido platform to leverage the Unido Core API which will help corporate users of the EMMI platform protect their signing key and create “signing committees” — verifiable and auditable record-keepers of emissions data for industries and applications of all types.
  • Partnered with AllianceBlock and SpiderDao to advance our Liquidity Mining Services and enable users to provide liquidity, stake $UDO and benefit seamlessly by earning rewards.
  • Joined Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem with ChainSwap.
  • Joined Unifarm’s 7th Cohort to launch single-sided $UDO staking on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
  • Partnered with Hypersign to streamline multi-party authentication and workflow management of records once Unido Core launches.
  • Launched a Mutual Liquidity Pool (MLP) in partnership with Bridge Mutual allowing UDO users to receive rewards in 3 tokens: UDO, BMI & POP.

KPI Highlights

We are thankful to all our partners and investors who are moving with us in our vision of bridging the gap between institutional investors and crypto markets.

Crypto markets are growing rapidly and as investors explore roads into this market and, Unido is going to make their journey smoother, swifter, and safer. Our enterprise solutions are on their verge of completions.

As the enterprise solution nears completion our team is looking forward to building momentum in the second half of this year by delivering a raft of new features and extending our sales and marketing efforts into the enterprise sector. Ultimately, as our product and ecosystem matures, $UDO will be at the very centre of that demand and we look forward to strong growth in the months ahead.



Unido Blog

Built on Polkadot and powered by $UDO token, Unido is building enterprise-grade solutions to give institutions better access to DeFi Markets.