Community Progress Report: July 2018

Unification Foundation
Unification Foundation
4 min readAug 3, 2018


Highlights for July: Unification launches BABEL interface; Development starts on CAPSULE; Conference roadshow begins; Meetings with select investors across Asia

July 2018 was a busy month for the team at Unification Foundation.

In addition to making significant headway on the product front, team members also attended a wide range of conferences and meetings, which allowed us to gather rich feedback about the evolution of Unification’s product.

Debut of BABEL Interface

One of the month’s most exciting developments was the first-ever public demo of BABEL, Unification’s user interface. BABEL acts as a unilateral dashboard of data generation activities, as well as an access point for a standardized data marketplace and a wallet for UND tokens.

Unification’s Product Lead Maziar Sadri, formerly of Yahoo!, presented BABEL to a crowd of interested investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts in the dedicated demo room at Beyond Blocks Summit in Seoul, South Korea.

Architecture Lead Shawn McLean, formerly of Zynga, was also on hand to assist conference goers with technical questions about the development and use of BABEL, as well as other components of Unification’s project.

Development Begins on CAPSULE

This month, Unification’s development team turned their attention to CAPSULE, the proprietary SDK that is used to onboard enterprise clients onto Unification’s platform.

CAPSULE is a key component of Unification’s launch strategy, in that it makes it possible to realize Unification’s goal of bringing existing user bases onto blockchain technology en masse.

Through integrating CAPSULE on both the client side and the server side, enterprises can seamlessly utilize all of Unification’s products, allowing their data sets to be accessed, bought, and sold cross-chain and cross-industry. These include decentralized, verifiable-credential, single-sign-on, blockchain-agnostic crypto payment gateways, generalized state channels for consumers and partners, and HAIKU’s machine learning process of data standardization.

Early trials of CAPSULE will be offered during the coming months. To apply to be considered for one of our beta spots, please fill out the application form here.

Conference Roadshow Launches

Seoul, South Korea

Coming off of a US tour in June, Unification team was in Seoul to officially launch Unification’s conference roadshow during Korea Blockchain Week.

Unification was featured as a keynote speaker at Global Blockchain Foundation’s Korea Blockchain Summit. The presentation on the future of immutable blockchains elicited a warm reception from the crowd, and incited a thought-provoking conversation about how blockchain technology can be used to forward the aims of both business and society at the same time.

Later in the week, the Unification team gathered to exhibit at Beyond Blocks Summit in Seoul. Unification partnered with Beyond Blocks to bring the most in-depth ever public showing of Unification’s core product, with a large part of technical team on hand to answer questions from investors and blockchain enthusiasts.

Bangkok, Thailand

The team wrapped up the month at Hybrid Summit in Bangkok, Thailand, where Unification publicized the project, as well as hosted an exclusive invite-only after-conference dinner for selected speakers and investors.

The Unification supporters who gathered were treated to a snapshot of the most exciting upcoming developments with the Unification project, as well as hands-on time with company leaders.

Coming Up in August

Heavy focus on development

With the launch of the conference roadshow, and the participation of the technical team in presenting Unification’s progress to date, the emphasis in July was put on getting Unification’s product front of interested parties and collecting valuable feedback.

In August, the team is focused on turning the feedback received into development on the product itself, iterating on current versions to produce the next generation of Unification’s tech stack.

Release of HAIKU version 2.0

One of the major development priorities is releasing a second version of the HAIKU node, the C++ smart contract protocol that Unification uses to seamlessly standardize data from enterprise clients.

We expect that a second version of HAIKU will be ready for release by late August. In the meantime, check out a demo of the HAIKU protocol on Unification’s Github.

Beta testing of CAPSULE

Throughout August, Unification is compiling a list of interested parties to be considered for beta tester positions upon the release of CAPSULE, Unification’s SDK. A limited number of private invites will be issued to companies who match the requirements for use.

To apply for one of our beta tester spots, click here to fill out the application form.

Announcement of new advisers

The Unification team has been formalizing relationships with a slate of new strategic advisers throughout the month of July. We are proud to be forming partnerships with experts in a wide range of fields related to data science, ad tech, and machine learning.

Stay tuned for a formal announcement of our new adviser team in the coming weeks.

Unification’s Latest Updates

If you support Unification’s mission to standardize the world’s data into a single unified format, and want to keep up with all the latest happenings at Unification HQ, be sure to join us on Telegram, Medium, and other social media to stay updated.


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Unification Foundation
Unification Foundation

A public/private blockchain ecosystem that allows deployment of Workchains.