ETHToronto: The Unification of Communities

Unification Foundation
6 min readAug 22, 2023
My nighttime view of Downtown Toronto

When I first entered the blockchain space in 2017, I was marked by optimism, curiosity, and excitement for the future. At that time, I knew only one other person invested in crypto, which was truly an anomaly, but it was one that I gladly welcomed. The world of crypto was something entirely different then, so having a friend to navigate the space with was a real blessing. The rate of speed at which advances have been made in blockchain is something to behold, and at times feels near impossible to keep up with- hence, the importance of community (can you guess where I’m going with this)?

It was Q2 2021 when I joined my first crypto community- the ShibArmy. I can recall being taken back with excitement when the man I’d hired to install new gutters on our house asked me about Shib. He had overheard me talking to the siding crew about cryptocurrency, and was quick to ask if I knew what Shiba Inu was. Small world, or big army? (I think both). That was a memorable moment, as he and I got to relate over our excitement for what was being built, all at a time when so few knew what crypto even was.

It has been a thrilling journey being able to witness so much growth from the Shib ecosystem, especially now at Shibarium’s release. I have simultaneously been a member of the Unification community for the last 1.5 years, getting to know and understand some of the key background infrastructure utilized by Shib. Now, as Unification Community Manager, I have had the pleasure of getting to both meet and represent members of our community in unforeseen ways. Last week, I was able to witness the historic Shibarium launch surrounded by fellow crypto enthusiasts and Unification community members at EthToronto & Blockchain Futurist Conference. It was an experience I won’t soon forget.

Inclusion, acceptance, and unification marked my time there. From the more widely-known names, to those just getting started in this space, it was evident that we all share this: an eagerness to utilize the brilliance of blockchain for the betterment of the world we live in. While it may seem an obvious concept, I have found that it is all too easy to forget when constantly navigating the online sea of anonymous characters. Toronto helped me bring this shared goal back into focus.

Entrance to the conference venue, Rebel Entertainment Center

Moments after entering the registration line on the first day, a veteran attendee approached to offer me advice, conversation, and invitations to other events/parties for networking. Shib team members welcomed me with open arms, and were very helpful with supporting Unification through promotion, awareness, and booth support. Partner projects of Shibarium- BadIdea AI and ShibaCal- also generously extended a helping hand in making known the role of Unification and all we have to offer. This sense of unity and lack of competition was something I did not anticipate, but was such a welcomed treat. We all worked together to support and grow Shibarium for the benefit of us as individuals, projects, and the world at large.

Unification and Shib community member spreading the love!

That first day was filled with meeting more people than I could have imagined, including several familiar community members. Putting faces to names, unveiling of anons to anons- the human element was so valuable and the connections were real. Unification community members were excited about our representation there, which I quickly realized seeing how fast our shirts and stickers flew off the booth! (Thankfully, there’s more where those came from).

One such representation is the notable Shibarium and Shib The Metaverse Hackathon- co-sponsored by Unification! A bounty workshop was held the morning of the first day, and featured three key members of the Shib,, and Shib MV teams. This hackathon encourages participants to explore the next frontier of human interaction together, and requires true collaboration. Submissions are due August 23rd, and I am eager to see the results!

Kaal discussing Unification’s co-sponsorship of the Hackathon during keynote

The energy that day was overwhelming, and fueled me for the long days and nights ahead. Passion and joy shared from others cemented-in the value held by a unified community. We are tech people, crypto people, but most importantly- real people. It became evident that these connections we build on TG and Discord are genuine and impactful, as almost everyone I met was quick to bond and had feelings of familiarity and connection.

Day 2 of the conference arrived, and it was charged with palpable anticipation. Everyone around me was eager for the main events, the Shib Keynote and Shib Cabana Party! Excited and nervous to hear if Shibarium was truly upon us, I secured a balcony seat above the main stage to get a bird’s-eye view of the keynote. I could hear the excitement and cheers from the ShibArmy below as Terry (Leading Operations & HR) introduced Shytoshi. It was amazing to be present for the unveiling of something this massive and so highly anticipated by the countless Shib & Unification supporters! I cheered in excitement hearing the two clear, resounding shoutouts to Unification during the keynote!

Shytoshi giving Unification a shoutout during keynote

There’s no doubt that this community of ours is resilient and determined to overcome all obstacles. The technical difficulties with the audio/video did not overtake the excitement of the Cabana Party, which was truly a celebration of years of hard work, community reach, impact, and growth. We are part of something bigger than ourselves, and want to be part of bringing power back to the people, for the people. Whether one supports Shib, Unification, or any of the other notable projects out there, there is a common tie to the mission of decentralization, empowering the individual, and the right to self-sovereignty that bonds and Unifies us.

If you find yourself with the opportunity to attend a meetup, crypto or community event, I implore you to GO! In-person interaction is easy to overlook and avoid these days, but as we advance our technological abilities, we must not forget the human element. Let us focus on commonality, make peace, love well, distance ourselves from negativity, and be strong in our UNIFICATION.

An overwhelming thank you to:

Unification Community: For your engagement, encouragement, and graphics!

Unification Foundation: For support, trust, encouragement, and being available during busy times!

Shib Team: For your hospitality, inclusion, and open arms!

ShibArmy: Support, community, and including Unification in X Spaces to help each other grow and bring awareness to Shibarium.

Welly Team: Cheers, to your hospitality and drive to bring communities together!

BadIdea AI: Spreading awareness of Shibarium, Unification, and unity of Shibarium projects. Support of the network via your own node on Unification’s L1!

ShibaCals: For your programmed NFC chips to promote Unification, booth/event setup, and your sincere intent to create a culture of inclusion.

Shiba Sequoia Forest: For friendship and helping promote Unification & Shibarium!

More than ever, I am excited and encouraged for the future of Unification and its faithful community (UNoDE what’s coming)! With Shibarium now live, we can anticipate its constant growth and evolution, particularly with the introduction of UNoDE, slated for release by end of year! The next phase of DeFi is upon us, and Unification is proudly at the forefront of these exciting advances. We’ve been aware for quite some time what we bring to this space, and I can confidently say that those who are just learning of the innovations pioneered here are now just as excited. Already, we are seeing direct effects from the relationships built at Toronto play out in tangible ways! So, let’s keep spreading the tools and vision of Unification with kindness, as you all do so well. The family is already growing!

