FUND? xFUND? UND? OoO? Navigating the Unification Ecosystem

Community Organizer
Unification Foundation
3 min readJan 25, 2021

As many new people are joining our community, it is important to lay a groundwork for the foundations of the ecosystem.

First off, Unification has been around since the beginning of 2018 where we raised a small amount of funds and issued the placeholder UND token. This was an erc-20 that was later used to swap for the native FUND token. It is important to know that both the erc-20 and the bep2 (binance chain) version of UND are technically tradable and in the wild, but are no longer supported for token swap. More or less don’t buy them. You will know because it is called “UND” and not “FUND”

FUND is the native token of the Unification Blockchain. You can view the block explorer here:

And if you are interested in being a validator, there are lots of articles in this medium to follow or you can join our technical discord here:

Lastly, to note clearly, FUND is NOT an erc-20 , you can store it on an exchange (list here) or you can use our native FUND webwallet

Many choose to hold their FUND in the webwallet because they can stake to validators and earn more FUND for staking. Each provider gives different commissions so you need to be aware. Also while the system is setup so that xFUND is only distributed directly to validators, there is one (FUNDThailand) (maybe more soon) that are arranging a manual payout of xFUND rewards. Get in our telegram group to network and connect.

Now for xFUND, this is an ERC-20 and you can find out information about it here:

The short version is that 24 xFUND are minted daily and distributed to FUND validators. These can be traded freely. Their Utility is for off-chain governance of the FUND ecosystem and for on-chain (eth) payments to access OoO and other eth related services. (we have a very powerful one in development as we speak)

Now, OoO is the Oracle of Oracles, It is a defi based price hack resistant oracle and is powered by xFUND. You can see the base of the data feeds here

And then these are routed through our on-chain contracts for OoO. More details on this medium page (along with other things)

Again this was a brief overview for newcomers. here again is your summary

FUND — Native token, hold in web wallet buy and sell here

UND — ded, don’t buy it

xFUND — erc20– 24 minted a day to FUND validators.

OoO — onchain oracle powered by xFUND — uses price feeds from

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