Unification “Leaves are Falling” update.

Community Organizer
Unification Foundation
3 min readOct 18, 2019

The change of summer into fall means not only are our devs grinding away towards a glorious mainnet swap, but also a short conference tour. First we can talk about the “fun stuff” from our mini tour in Korea and Japan and then we can get down to Business including details on our Partnership with AMLParters and the nitty gritty of Finchain along with the Mainnet Rodmap.

First the travel…

September saw our team go on a Mini-tour of Asia, first to Korea Blockchain Week by D.fine which is one of the largest “commercial” conferences in Asia (I stress commercial, because the next one was pure Utopian tech)

This was an excellent opportunity for high-value networking and partnerships as many top players from the region and globe came to Seoul for a few days of meetings and dinners. Specifically, we began talks with a Korean multi-national about implementation a test project on the UND blockchain for one of their entities.

Interesting enough we also got deep into the reality of what a “blockchain partnership” really means. In the industry (at least during a bull market) when people hear “partnerships” they expect that to mean that there will be natural coin usage (aside from speculation) and hence more demand for the coin and hence the price of the coin will go up.

Well, typically (at least with other companies) this is not how it works. These partnerships are typically closed proof of concept studies that actually have zero usage of the coin. Think about it, why would a commercial company who is interested in profit, marry themselves to an open source “coin” that is speculative in value which would force them to buy at current market rates?

Since most blockchain stuff is “open source” why wouldn't they instead implement a predictable option? Well they do, that is why we built Unification. If you have read our whitepaper — you will have seen that Enterprises have a fixed cost which means they can budget for actual usage instead of having to fight against speculators. This is where real value is derived and more on one of our leading partnerships shortly.

After Korea, we headed over to DevCon in Osaka, Japan which is regarded as the premiere tech-only conference centered around anything and everything Ethereum. (Note: while Unification has no vested interest in the Ethereum mainnet or the “ETH” coin, we do build off of a fork of one of the codebases so there is much tech alignment in the trenches)

This was lots of amazing sushi dinners, tech workshops and deals made that will lead us to the UND mainnet deployment — which incidentally is looking good for a December release. The mainnet “event” will include a very easy token swap and favourable metrics for all holders and stakers. More on that to come.

On the Bizdev side, as earlier mentioned, Unification signed a partnership with AMLPartners for part of their RegTech infrastructure. Details on the partnership can be found at this press release, but it is indicative of the future of blockchain — which we like to call the “invisible blockchain.” Which humorously said is about as interesting as trying to explain TCP/IP (the backbone of the internet we use today)

This shows you the realities and the future. Blockchain is useful, Unification is useful, but it is about as “interesting” as a box of cables and wires. That being said of course these “cables and wires” are the future backbone of the new decentralized internet.

