The Unified Theory of Knowledge in a Nutshell

Gregg Henriques
Unified Theory of Knowledge
2 min readDec 9, 2020

The Unified Theory of Knowledge (UTOK) provides an energy, information, naturalistic, behavioral approach to understanding reality, science, and wisdom. This very brief blog summarizes the 11 core ingredients that make up UTOK’s onto-epistemological structure.

First, in terms of the basic ontological model of the observable, natural world, UTOK identifies four emergent dimensions of behavioral complexification (or planes of existence), which are labeled: Matter-Object, Life-Organism, Mind-Animal, and Culture-Person.

Second, there are two “glue fields,” Energy and Information, that connect everything together. The four planes ultimately emerge out of the Energy Information Implicate Order that existed at the time of the Big Bang.

Third, UTOK identifies four epistemological frames. First, there is phenomenology, which is the first-person empirical lens observing one’s conscious experience of being. UTOK frames this with the iQuad Coin. Second, there is scientific objectivity, which is the third-person behavioral empirical lens, applied to individual objects and systems. UTOK frames this with the Tree of Knowledge System. Third, there is the cultural intersubjective lens, which refers to how human persons construct systems of justification that legitimize what is and ought to be. UTOK frames this with the Garden. Fourth, there is the dynamic participatory pragmatic mode that demonstrates the degree of knowledge mastery in the agent-arena environment. This can be framed in UTOK via the concept of the 5th Joint Point. These four frames are labeled, respectively, the subjective, objective, intersubjective, and transjective.

The final basic ingredient in UTOK’s ontological taxonomy is technology. The 5th Joint Point is the informational interface and communication network that is emerging between the Culture-Person plane of existence and the Digital Social Technological World we are constructing. The argument for UTOK in the context of the meaning crisis is that we need a coherent participatory onto-epistemological frame on the time between worlds that we find ourselves in.

UTOK is a crucial part of the 5th joint point because it fixes the errors generated by the Enlightenment Gap and provides a consilient, natural scientific framework for understanding human knowledge. The Garden, including the Coin and icon for the concept of God, extends UTOK to provide an applied philosophy that is oriented toward the generation of wisdom across individuals, systems, and societies.

A core mantra in UTOK is “Marry the Coin to the Tree in the Garden Under God.” This refers to adopting the position of the Coin, which is that of a particular, self-conscious human subject, and connecting that with the natural energy information wave of behavioral complexification that UTOK claims science has mapped via the Tree of Knowledge System and then rotating and flipping that relation to be a wise participant relative to Humanity and Mother Earth during the time of the 5th Joint Point. This particular representation connects the iQuad Coin to the Riemann Sphere, showing how we can think of ourselves as a complexified Energy Singularity that can be connected back to (the concept of) God as the ultimate (i.e., real infinity) Energy Source and forward to (the concept of) God as the ultimate (i.e., imaginal infinite) transcendent.



Gregg Henriques
Unified Theory of Knowledge

Professor Henriques is a scholar, clinician and theorist at James Madison University.