Unifi Governance Token (UNIFI)

One Token to Rule Them All

Unifi Protocol
3 min readSep 2, 2020


This is an attachment to Unifi Protocol White Paper, which can be found here.

Introducing the Unifi Token (UNIFI)

Unifi Protocol is designed as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), governed via a decentralized governance token. As a multi-chain DeFi protocol, Unifi requires a method to govern the global policies that influence the entire protocol across all blockchains.

Unifi is unlike any other DeFi protocol and so it’s governance token also has to be unique. The Unifi Token (UNIFI) is a proof of liquidity earnings token which provides unique trading and arbitrage opportunities, exclusive opportunities access, and global protocol governance. UNIFI harnesses the potential of liquidity providers’ UP tokens from integrated blockchains by linking all platforms across the entire multi-chain Unifi Protocol into one global governance token.

Global Protocol Governance

Unifi Protocol consists of components on various blockchains that work independently from one another. As described in the documentation on UP tokens, blockchain specific governance will be achieved through UP tokens.

“Incentivized Community Governance aligns liquidity providers, traders, and the entire multi-chain community’s interests behind supporting Unifi Protocol. As the protocol grows in size and number of blockchains, all token holders benefit.”

Global Unifi governance decisions are those that impact the protocol on all chains governed by UNIFI. These could include foundation development priorities, cross chain interoperability, or referendums on expansion of the protocol. One of the more important governance roles of UNIFI is the ability to modify the UNIFI governance process itself. As the representation of the entire multi-chain protocol, UNIFI is the public face of the Unifi Protocol to be listed on major exchanges.

Unifi Token Arbitrage, Exclusive Access, and Yield Farming

UNIFI will provide another way to utilize the value stored in the UP economy of each blockchain, providing the ability to move value into the composite UNIFI economy. UNIFI allows freedom of movement between different UP opportunities, creating exclusive pathways available only within the protocol. Unifi Protocol users can use UNIFI to gain access to exclusive price discovery based arbitrage opportunities between chains utilizing UP. UNIFI will also allow yield farming through enabling a liquidity provider to take earned rewards through the most beneficial path on any Unifi blockchain.

Unifi Token Statistics

UNIFI is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows UNIFI to interact directly with ETH, or any other DeFi tokens through uTrade and other established trading/swap solutions.

UNIFI on Ethereum also benefits from an established network of analytics tools such as CoinMarketCap or Etherscan.

UNIFI Total Initial Minted Supply: 10,000,000

As Unifi Protocol grows and adds additional blockchains, the UNIFI economy may grow depending on factors such as needed liquidity or the value added by the new chain. This growth will be based on decisions made by the global governance of UNIFI holders.

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Edit: November 2020, outdated token allocation charts removed.



Unifi Protocol

Incentivizing community participation in DeFi economies across multiple blockchains | Earn $UP