Verified fund managers and profiles!

New UI updates deliver more and more features to the Unifund platform

unifund global
2 min readApr 13, 2021


Today we’ve added more features to the Unifund platform. We want to make it easier to invest in funds and also trust the fund managers you’re investing in. Trust in a decentralized world is hard, so we made it easier for you.

Verified fund managers:

Together with a new profile page for each fund manager, we’ve added the possibility to verify yourself on Twitter. A simple signature with a tweet makes it possible to link your Twitter profile to your new Unifund profile. Verified managers can be recognized by their blue tick next to their name/erc20-address.

Unifund fund manager profile

Together with a name, social media and a description the manager uses his own Twitter profile picture in the profile. This makes it easy to recognize our fellow Crypto Twitter traders, or just verify if this trader is legit.

Every fund gained an extra image generated through the Ethereum address. In a later stage we will give the opportunity to choose your own image, and just make your fund yours. Every trader has his or hers own touch, right ?

Trade history in funds

It should be easy to follow what happened to the fund you’ve invested in. That’s exactly what we solved with providing a log of all trades the fund manager traded.

Now you can follow which trade was done, what the price was and even recheck it on the blockchain. This feature is currently only viewable on the fund managers profile, but in a later stage will be added to the fund page itself.


We want to provide the best experience for trading. Crypto can be hard, so we need to make it easier and convenient to trade and to invest in funds. In this update we fixed a lot of minor issues but also provided new features to make trading with the Unifund system easier, more trustworthy and reliable.

Keep tuned for more updates!

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