What are the best APIs for Hackathons? [Part 3]

Justin Dang
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2017

Welcome back to the third and last part of my overview of APIs! Today we’ll go through some other APIs that you might be interested in.

Music and Graphics API

Spotify: Did you know you can gather information about music by using Spotify API? As one of the largest music streaming service, Spotify offers to be your main sources of music information such as artists and albums. Spotify also offers many other developer tools that were used to build popular music app such as Shazam.

SoundCloud: Dubbed as the Youtube of music, Soundcloud API let developer integrate sound features such as playing and uploading sounds. Check out the short tutorial by Codecademy that is dedicated to Soundcloud.

OpenCV: OpenCV is an open source computer vision library that provides a rich variety of tools that support functions such as facial recognition and object tracking.

Miscellaneous Tools

The tech world offers a myriad of other tools that I will not have time to cover in details. Instead, I’ll suggest a list of miscellaneous tools of varying complexity that I think worth a look. If you have a favourite API/Library that you think I should mention, then let me know in the comment!

Google APIs: Google offers much more than the Map API I mentioned in part 1! The API explorer provides an overview of everything they offer. Some of the more popular ones are Google Font, Google Knowledge Graph, of course, the Machine Learning Library Tensorflow.

NLTK: A popular open source toolkit for natural language processing.

The Cat API: Is your platform even a part of the internet if there are no random cat pictures? ;)

That it’s for now! Hope you find this 3 part series helpful. Don’t worry if the varieties available is a bit overwhelming; the best way to learn about these technologies is to get your hand dirty and hack something together with it.

Meanwhile, stay tuned as I will be writing more about Tech and Hackathons in the very near future!

Have fun! =)

