Here is a clue.

Where will UNIHACK be hosted this year?

Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2016


After every event, we always find ourselves asking one question: “where do we go now?”

We’ve grown so rapidly that we always outgrow the venue we’ve been in the previous year. Last year, we outgrew York Butter Factory, so we moved to Inspire9.

Now, we’ve outgrown Inspire9.

It’s not a bad problem for us to have, as an increase in interest for any event is always a good thing. But it is also a stressful one as there are only so many spaces in Melbourne that can accommodate the numbers we expect for this year’s event.

We investigated many spaces across the city — but there was only one place that captured a place in our hearts…

We are happy to announce that this year’s competition will be at LAB-14, located at 700 Swanston Street, Carlton.

LAB-14 is part of the Carlton Connect Initiative, based at the former Royal Women’s Hospital next to the University of Melbourne. The initiative is tasked with building Australia’s largest innovation precinct in Melbourne — and because of that, we found it quite apt to host “The Imagination Hackathon” there this year.

The building has played host to other hackathons: HealthXL’s HackAging, GE’s Industrial Hackathon, Herald Sun’s Codefest, the Nexpaq Hackathon, and the upcoming Science Hackfest with the CSIRO in March.

In fact, their experience in hosting hackathons was one of the reasons why we chose them over some of the other venues in our shortlist.

Oh, and Eduroam.

We can’t wait to see what ideas are generated at this year’s event; and we hope to see you all down here on July 30–31 at LAB-14.

To be the first to know when we open registration, pre-register today on our website!

If you have any questions, drop us a line via Facebook or Twitter.

