[EN] Log in with @unikname: the steps to follow

Charlène Demaret
4 min readSep 23, 2020


Logging into your favorite websites with one click is possible. Doing so without giving out your personal data to the highest bidder is even better ! You are in luck for this is what the Unikname App allows.

It is quite simple, your @unikname is your universal, private and confidential user ID that allows you to log into any website, while protecting your data from getting! Let us find out together how the app works and how to log in with your @unikname.

Step 1: install the app

First and compulsory step… To create your @unikname and then to log in anywhere on the Internet, you must first install the mobile app « My Unikname ». You can install it on smartphone or tablet, whether you use iOS or Android.

From your mobile, simply go to https://my.unikname.app/ , send yourself the link by text message, or use the QR code on your computer that will lead you to the download page .

Step 2: create my unikname

Once the app is downloaded and installed on your smartphone’s home screen, time has come to take the plunge and … drum rolls … choose your @unikname ! But before that, one last tiny little step remains: create your six-digit PIN code.

You will then be redirected to a new page inviting you to log in with your current @unikname (if you already have one obviously) or to obtain one.

Since we work on the assumption that you do not have a @unikname yet, you have the current possibility to exceptionally benefit from a premium @unikname (less than 15 characters) by using the free coupon GIFT-820A.

That username might follow you for the rest of your life (what a pressure!) and will enable you to log in anywhere on the Web. Done ? Now let us move on to securing your new username. The aim is to allow you to use it on a daily basis and total peace of mind.

Step 3: securing my @unikname

To secure your @unikname, follow the yellow mark and go to « @My Unikname » section, click on the one you just created, then click on this famous warning in the upper-right corner of your screen that leads you to « save the secret key ». This crucial step makes sure you are the only one to control your @unikname, and especially that you can retrieve your @unikname in case you lose your mobile for example.

Better safe than sorry, right? At Unikname, we do not compromise your data confidentiality. You should preciously write down somewhere safe and in the right order the series of random words the app gives you. Then go ahead with a small challenging backup test.

There you go! Everything is ready, you can now log in everywhere thanks to your @unikname. You will see, it could not be simpler. There are two possible scenarios you may encounter, depending on the website you wish to log in:

  1. You already have an account on said website

In this case, nothing is easier since you can benefit from the Instant Sign In shortcut, in other words: click on the « Unikname Connect » button… and you are logged in !

2. You do not have an account yet on the website you wish to log in

Create your account by following the steps we went through above ! To illustrate Unikname App’s functioning, let us take the example of the kover.link website, specializing in link management. Once on their website, you are invited to log in with your Unikname account via the button in the upper-right corner.

By clicking on it, you get to a page that you log in with your @unikname. All you need to do is to input your @unikname and the website will require you to confirm your authentification by opening My Unikname app on your smartphone.

In your app, you will see the pending connection request. Click on « connection request to » and the app will require you to validate the connection through your PIN code. Surprise, you are logged in!

If you have downloaded Unikname app, feel free to share your thoughts and experience on our dedicated forum > https://forum.unikname.com.

