Get Your @Unik-Name: Reservation Process Coming Soon!

Join our community and make sure to be the first to reserve your favorite names!

Robin Lacombe
2 min readSep 28, 2018

“Get your @unik-name” reservation session is opening soon

Come and get it! It’s free. Leave us your email address and you’ll be first to be notified once the platform is released. Even though the exact date is kept secret for our followers to be among the first to have the information, I can let you know that it will be out around mid-October. Join our community and stay tuned! 🚀

@unik-name, your universal and trustworthy identifier, easy to remember and to share

@unik-name is the best way to share your cryptocurrency public addresses with your friends, family members or even customers.

The @unik-name solution simplifies the uses of cryptocurrencies and extends to every enigmatic and complex identifier of day-to-day life.

A @unik-name allows you to link your numerous public addresses and identifiers while keeping total control over the privacy of your data. You are free to use your name or an alias for your @unik-name, as well as having many of them!

Be the first to get your @unik-name!

“Get your @unik-name” name reservation process

“Easy to get, easier to use, easiest to share”

The Name Reservation System is based on key ideas that represent our core values :


  • Write your @unik-name and let you guide by the process
  • Three mouse clicks and it’s on!
  • Get clear indications all the way long


  • Keep your name, surname, age and nationality for yourself
  • Use your phone number as login, such as for Telegram (crypted chatting app)
  • Leaving your e-mail address is highly recommended for notifications purpose only, although it is not mandatory


  • Follow the process easily thanks to an intuitive design
  • Friction-less: you’re guaranteed to reserve for free the @unik-name at the end of the process — “Get is get
  • At your service : a complete FAQ and Real-Time dialog on Telegram chat group to help you at any time!

Register now and reserve your @unik-name later!

