How I converted my Internship into a Full-time role at UniKaksha.

Six Tips that might help you in Your Summer Internships :)

Luqmaan Shaik
4 min readJul 4, 2023


I think it is high time that I share my story of how I moved from being a Mechanical Engineer to a Content and Growth Marketer at UniKaksha.

These are a few things I picked up along my journey which helped me convert my internship into a Full Time offer from UniKaksha.

Hope these will be useful to you for your upcoming Summer Internships!

Tip 1: Setting Clear Goals

This internship was my first job. So, I found myself overwhelmed by the workload in the beginning. The sheer volume of monthly tasks seemed like an unscalable mountain. I felt like I was drowning in responsibilities, struggling to keep up.

To tackle this challenge, I realized the importance of breaking down my tasks into smaller, achievable pieces. Instead of working tirelessly without direction, I started setting clear, weekly goals. This shift in approach gave me a roadmap for each week, bringing clarity and purpose to my work.

By dividing my workload into manageable tasks, I gained confidence in my daily work and made progress towards my monthly goals. Prioritizing and managing my time effectively became easier, and I celebrated smaller victories along the way. This strategy not only helped me stay motivated but also provided opportunities for reflection and improvement.

Tip 2: Taking Initiative and Showing Enthusiasm

I soon realized that simply completing assigned tasks wouldn’t make me stand out as an intern. To leave a lasting impression, I needed to go beyond expectations. I eagerly sought out new responsibilities, volunteered for extra projects, and shared innovative ideas.

By approaching each task with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, I made a noticeable impact on my supervisors and colleagues. They appreciated my eagerness to take on challenges and recognized my dedication to the team. Taking initiative not only expanded my skill set but also allowed me to build strong professional relationships.

Tip 3: Learning from Others and Seeking Feedback

One of the greatest advantages of an internship is the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. I actively sought feedback and advice from my colleagues and supervisors, recognizing their insights as valuable personal and professional growth resources.

By seeking feedback, I demonstrated my commitment to learning and improvement. Constructive criticism and guidance helped me refine my skills and enhance my performance. The perspectives shared by my mentors provided fresh insights and alternative problem-solving approaches. Additionally, seeking advice allowed me to develop a broader understanding of the industry and expand my skill set.

Tip 4: Going Above and Beyond

To truly stand out, I realized that meeting the basic requirements of my internship wasn’t enough. I actively sought opportunities to take on additional projects, assist colleagues, and contribute innovative ideas. By consistently going the extra mile, I left a lasting impression and increased my chances of being considered for a full-time role.

Going above and beyond involved willingly taking on extra responsibilities, and showcasing my commitment to the organization’s success. Offering support and assistance to colleagues not only demonstrated my teamwork skills but also helped me build strong relationships. This approach highlighted my dedication and showcased my abilities.

Tip 5: Building Strong Professional Relationships

Recognizing the importance of professional relationships, I made a conscious effort to connect with my colleagues, supervisors, and other professionals in my field. Attending networking events and utilizing online platforms like LinkedIn allowed me to expand my network and create valuable connections.

By attending industry events, engaging in meaningful conversations, and seeking advice, I demonstrated my commitment to professional growth. Utilizing LinkedIn helped me connect with professionals beyond my immediate circle, stay updated on industry trends, and access new opportunities. The connections I formed during my internship had a lasting impact on my professional journey, providing mentorship, insights, and potential job prospects.

Tip 6: Expressing Interest in a Full-Time Position

I didn’t hesitate to express my interest in a full-time position with the company. Proactively scheduling meetings with my supervisor and the HR department allowed me to discuss my aspirations and showcase my enthusiasm. I articulated my passion for the work, highlighted my skills, and emphasized how I aligned with the organization’s goals.

By openly expressing my interest, I made it known that I was committed to continuing my professional journey with the company. This proactive approach demonstrated my confidence, dedication, and belief in the value I could bring as a full-time employee.

Hope these tips can help you succeed in your internship journey. Remember to set clear goals, take initiative, seek feedback, go above and beyond, build professional relationships, and express your interest in future opportunities.

Even if you don’t secure a role with your current company, learn from your experiences, upskill yourself, and explore other opportunities.

Good luck on your journey!

