Top 8 Programming Languages for Web Development In 2022

Ankur Kumar
Published in
6 min readFeb 12, 2022

With the development of technology and its wide applicability, programming languages have become an integral part of our lives. It is a set of rules written in any language (C++, C, Java, Python) that people use to make applications on PCs or mobile devices or just for websites.

In this article, we will discuss the features, uses, cons, and pros of the top eight programming languages for web development in the year 2022. There are thousands of programming languages out there but we’ve narrowed it down to the top eight that should be on your radar when it comes to programming.

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By the end of this article, you will be able to have a better understanding of these programming languages.

Without further ado, let’s quickly start with our top 8 programming language list for the year 2022:

1) Python

Written, edited, maintained, and supported by volunteers as well as experts from the software development community, Python is an open-source language that’s easy to learn and use. It’s one of the most popular languages found on GitHub; a platform used for web development by beginners and established software developers alike. That’s because it’s so simple, especially when compared to other programming languages. The code reads more like natural English making it ideal for programmers who don’t want their creation to look like someone did it with a complicated calculator! It has also proven useful in dealing with numbers as data science alongside backend web app development work. An exclusive collection of standard libraries makes this programming language one of the top choices for developers.


  • Data science
  • Back end development
  • App development


  • Backed by dynamic typing capacity, Python makes it easier for developers to create complex websites that need frequent changes.
  • It is a well-organized web development language that combines efficiency with several programming languages like C#, Java, and C. It can be linked with favored web development frameworks like Flask and Django for the creation of the web-based application.
  • Python is a high-level programming language that is easy to learn and developer-friendly. It is very easy to code in python language.
  • Python language is a free and open-source website. You can easily download the latest version for Windows, Linux/UNIX, macOS, and others by clicking on the Download Python.
  • Python is GUI programming friendly and the user interfaces can be made using PyQt4, wxPython, PyQt5, and Tk modules. PyQt5 is the most revered option for creating graphical apps.
  • Python offers a rich set of functions and modules to ensure that you don’t have to code for every small thing. It has a large standard library for unit-testing, web browsing, regular expressions to name a few.


  • As we discussed above Python is a dynamically-typed and interpreted language, line by line code implementation leads to slow execution.
  • Python language utilizes large amounts of memory. Low memory optimization while building applications is one of its major disadvantages.
  • As Python language is not memory efficient and has slow execution, we don’t see Python on mobile or client-side applications. Python is weak in Mobile Computing whereas it is widely used in server-side programming.

2) Java

Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton and was first named ‘Oak’. The language was inspired by languages like C and C++ but it also borrowed unique ideas from them to make it more appealing to the developers at the time. One of Java’s most notable features is that it runs on the principle of ‘Writing Once, Run Anywhere’ — it is designed with portability for varying hardware and OS configurations in mind. Java can be used for many things. Java is also what powers Android applications, it’s the programming language for installing and developing software on your computer, and it’s a foundational language used to teach computer programming! It’s also worth mentioning that there are a variety of libraries in Java (which is now an open-source platform) that make all the applications we use every day possible! These include the Spring Framework, JUnit, and the Hibernate Object Relational Mapper (ORM). Therefore Java is highly versatile and widely ubiquitous!


  • E-commerce
  • Finance
  • App developmen


  • It works on various platforms (Mac, Windows, Raspberry Pi, Linux, etc.)
  • Java is open-source and free
  • It is easy to learn and simple to use
  • It is secure, fast, and powerful
  • It has extensive community support (millions of developers)
  • Java is close to C# and C++. Programmers can easily switch to Java or vice versa
  • Java gives a clear structure to programs and allows the reusing of codes, thereby lowering development costs


  • Slow and has poor performance compared to languages like C or C++
  • Java consumes more memory
  • Java offers not so attractive look and feel of GUI
  • No backup facility
  • Requires significantly large memory space

3) JavaScript

According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the widely accredited and most used programming language across the globe. JavaScript is used to manipulate web pages and make them do things their creators may not have originally intended. By combining JavaScript with HTML and CSS, programmers can create highly-interactive websites with cool features like animated graphics, interactive maps, clickable buttons, or anything else that comes to mind. Utilizing these three languages together empowers coders to take control of a website’s behavior and capabilities while also providing users with a smoother user experience overall.


  • Game development
  • Web development
  • Building web servers
  • Mobile apps


  • Client-side JavaScript is super quick as it can be run instantly within the client-side browser. Unless there’s a need for outside resources, JavaScript is unimpeded by network calls to a backend server.
  • JavaScript is relatively simple to learn and implement
  • JavaScript is used everywhere on the web
  • JavaScript is highly interoperable as it plays well with other languages and is widely used in a variety of applications.
  • Gives the capacity to create rich interfaces


  • Since the JavaScript code is viewable to the user, others may use it for malicious purposes.
  • JavaScript is interpreted differently in different browsers this makes it difficult to read and write cross-browser code.
  • The code is always visible to everyone, anyone can view JavaScript code.

4) Kotlin

Kotlin is an all-purpose programming language developed in 2011 by JetBrains, that has built world-class IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, Appcode, etc. It’s a statically typed language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and a general-purpose language. Kotlin is widely used for Android development. One of the best things about it according to developers is that by utilizing Kotlin, you’ll be able to achieve greater levels of safety and concision as well as make your code more fun and readable.


  • Android development
  • Back-end web development
  • Full-stack web development
  • Multi-platform mobile development


  • Kotlin is crisp and to the point. You’ll be able to save a lot of time otherwise spent writing boilerplate code in Java.
  • Sometimes, adding features to a language means it has more overhead, which can lower its performance. Kotlin has no runtime overhead.
  • Kotlin can easily handle nulls. If you have not prepared for a null, it can crash a program in Java. However, if you just add a simple operator to variables that may be null to avert crashes.
  • It can run on multiple platforms that’s why it is easier to use Kotlin to build cross-platform apps.
  • Kotlin is a clear and compact code base, therefore it is less buggy and provides stable codes in production.
  • It can be easily maintained as it is assisted by several IDEs including Android Studio and other SDK tools. Owing to this, it can easily maximize the developer’s productivity.


  • Although Kotlin is in high demand and popularity across the developer’s community still very experienced experts are available in the field.
  • In some cases like performing incremental builds, Kotlin works faster than Java. But, Java stays incomparable when it’s about creating clean builds for android apps.
  • Though the number of Android app developers who have learned and mastered Kotlin is increasing almost every day, there remain a limited number of resources available in the market to learn the language.

Find out which other programing language makes it to Top 10 in year 2022.

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