What is a Full Stack Developer? How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 2022

Ankur Kumar
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2022

Web development is a highly comprehensive field, and with the latest technological advancements happening across the world, there is now a demand for professional full-stack developers. Becoming an efficient web developer requires a range of skills that one needs to learn. However, when you want to become a full-stack developer, you must learn everything about front-end and back-end technologies. There is now a widespread demand for full-stack developers as they can bring a lot of value with their depth of knowledge and skills.

The full-stack developer is an engineer or a web developer capable of handling both front-end and back-end development requirements of a website or some web application. Therefore, full-stack developers can work on user interface websites, servers, and database management. These developers also work closely with the clients for project planning.

What is a Full Stack Developer?

Full-stack developers have complete command and understanding of processes involved in the front and back-end development requirements. The front-end application includes components that are directly visible to users whom they can directly interact with. On the other hand, the website’s back-end covers several behind-the-scenes components that define the UX of people. They effectively run multiple commands issued by the users. Some of the essential aspects of the back-end development work include logical processing, user validation, database handling, and server operations.

Full stack is becoming a widely revered segment of the developer population globally. As per a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, developers will see a job growth of 27 percent by 2024. Join UniKaksha’s TechFit — Full Stack Web Development Program and earn in six figures, guaranteed!

It is nevertheless important to mention that full-stack developers do not have to be adept at managing both front-end and back-end technologies. What is important here is that the developer should have a proper understanding of the technologies and skills required to carry out full-stack development.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at the terms Front End Development and Back End Development

  • Front end (Client-side)

Front-end development involves the creation of the user interface of a website or web application. Through effective front-end development, it is possible to create the elements that the users can view and interact with. The whole look of the webpage and the content presentation can be shaped with front-end development. The display of information for mobile devices and web browsers is determined through front-end development. Some components of front-end development include dropdown menus, navigation bars, links, and buttons.

The main things you need to learn for front-end development include HTML and CSS. These are languages used for coming up with static web pages.

  • Back-end Development (Server-side)

Back-end development involves working with a server that receives and processes the various requests sent out by users. It also has a database where all the data associated with the website get stored. Back-end development involves all the processes associated with the behind-the-scenes operations of the website or the web application. It deals with essential data, algorithms, and business logic. The back-end deals with processes that materialize in the background, and the users are not aware of them directly. Nevertheless, back-end development determines the type of experience users will have when using a website or a web application. It is also termed the logical and technical element of a website or web application.

For back-end development, you need to be aware of programming languages such as PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, and Ruby, to name a few. You will also need to be proficient in working with databases like MySQL, graph databases like Neo4j, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Redis, and other web storage databases. It is significant you develop thorough knowledge and understanding of application architecture like MVC or model view controller, AWS, and others.

How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 2022

Full-stack developers are highly sought after by some large companies as well as small startups. The full-stack developer is considered one of the best fields you can choose for your technology-driven career. Let us check out some of the skills and core competencies to focus on cultivating when planning to become a full-stack developer.

Becoming a full-stack developer is no easy task. You will have to learn some crucial skills that include numerous programming languages such as Pearl, PHP, C#, C++, Java, Python, etc. You will also have to develop deep knowledge and understanding of organizational working frameworks, web servers, programming dialects, control frameworks, and database frameworks. Significantly, you devote some time actively to learning programming languages if you are seriously looking to become a full-stack developer. Start working on developing APIs and other programs so that you get well acquainted with the challenges associated with them.

Also read: Popular Full Stack Development Technology Stacks to look for in the year 2022

Skills you Need to Become a Proficient Full Stack Developer

  • A complete and thorough understanding of web architecture, system infrastructure, and communication protocols, such as HTTP and TCP/IP.
  • Learning the methods of deploying operating systems such as Windows, Ubuntu, and CentOS
  • Proper understanding of functions and operatives regarding web servers like Nginx and Apache.
  • Designing and developing UI with web development framework as well as libraries like AngularJS, jQuery, and React
  • Cultivating skills with designing ability that includes UI/UX design
  • Proficiency in front-end technologies, like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
  • You should also learn about the operation and management of Version Control Systems like Git and Subversion.

It is important to note to combine theoretical studies with practical knowledge to become a full-stack developer. You will face some challenges that you can never prepare for in advance when you are going through theoretical studies while trying to grasp concepts like PHP and HTML. Through careful effort in mastering theory and practice, you will become a reliable full-stack developer in 2022. Join UniKaksha’s TechFit, a one-of-a-kind full-stack developer program that offers assures guaranteed jobs with a median CTC of 5LPA (on successful completion).

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