Benefits of Having a Website for Small Business

Alex Pluzhnik
Unikorns Magazine
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2021

Why website is crucial for a small business? See how you can sell your products, increase market penetration, and more!

Most people in 2021 understand, that in order to have a successful business you need to have a website, but how it looks in the reality? Let’s take a look at some data:

  • Less than 64% of small businesses have a website
  • 70–80% of people research a company online before visiting it or making a purchase.
  • Among small businesses without a website, 29% plan to build one in 2021.
  • As of 2019, 94% of small business websites are mobile-friendly
  • 70–80% of potential customers could be lost to businesses without a website.
  • 41% of businesses without websites say their business “does not need a website.”
  • 79% of entrepreneurs with a business website expect to grow at least 25% in the next three to five years, compared to 64% of those without a site
  • 44% of B2B buyers will leave a website if there is no contact information available
  • In 2020, 81% of all worldwide online traffic was generated through mobile phones (Statista, 2020)

Looks interesting? Now as you understand the thing and landed there we would like to show you a few important tips on how you can use the website for your business.

Website → presence → marketing → product sales!

We’ve already discussed how to make your website be visible on the web, now let’s talk a bit about what this visibility can bring you. First of all in 2021 if you sell anything without a web integration you probably sell vegetables on the market ( ha-ha, just kidding), and the statistics above clearly show us the customer path nowadays, it’s mostly online!

  • There are a lot of different website types and a professional studio can definitely fit one to your needs. With a fitted website, your customer journey will be highly pleasant and you’ll have a lot of loyal customers.
  • Did you think about the autonomy the website can give you? Let’s imagine you have a sneakers store. You have to pay rent, you need to spend time and effort to promote it somehow on the outdoor, and suddenly the world pandemic starts…Not the best scenario, is it? With a help of a website, you’ll be safe and sound selling your sneakers online.
  • With a help of a website, you can build loyalty and trust. When you’re new to your customer they don’t really trust you, so you can place some reviews, feedback, and build trust using your website.
  • With a help of new technologies such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, Answer the Public you can learn a lot about your customers, their age, location, hobbies, preferences, etc. We’ve described more in our article about SEO.
  • You can create strong branding. Connecting the website and social media helps businesses strengthen brand awareness that is crucial to gain loyal customers. Remember lovemarks chart?
  • Using the website you can be unique and better than competitors. Analyze your targeted audience, then — your competitors. What does the TA need and competitors don’t offer? Just give it, communicate, place on your website.
  • Your business is available 24/7. Thanks to website customers can reach you out any time, choose a product, get to know you better, interact with you, engage with your sales and content funnel.
  • Boost your authority. Using, for example, blog. You can create content that will be valuable for your customers and appear on valuable sources (so-called backlinking). It will help you to promote your brand’s authority in an online space.


Of course, mostly those benefits are individual from business to business but they’re definitely significant and worth their price. So what about price, how much does it cost? Read our article about website types & prices.


Are you looking for a professional lightning-fast website?
Don’t hesitate to send us a note at or visit our website:

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Alex Pluzhnik
Unikorns Magazine

Marketing passionate spending early mornings meditating with white tea.