Susan Wilson
2 min readFeb 23, 2018
Esoteric is within waiting to unfold.


What does the esoteric mean? It is our connection to our inner-most, a place in our heart that can never be affected by anything outside of us. Therefore we are all esoteric whether we know or feel this or not; it is innate within us all. An Oxford dictionary definition of esoteric says ‘meant for, intelligible to, initiates only’, (from Greek ‘eso’ within), and a definition of initiate from the same source means ‘originate’. Esoteric means to originate from within.

In my own experience it has been an inner knowing all my life that I have felt a connection to everything. As a reflection I saw this as the connection that nature has and in its diversity; everything has a different look or expression but without this connection nothing would survive. We are all connected to everything and so everything we do affects everything. We are all connected to the inner-heart spark of the esoteric that lives within us.

We all have an inner spark or flame that ignites our life; the same as a vehicle has spark plugs that are necessary to start the engine. When we understand the esoteric that we all have we can start our engines and purposely live our life from the inside out instead of from the outside in which is what the world presently shows us with continual abuse in all forms of separation.

Even though the world looks as though we are all separated by our beliefs, ideals, religions, nationalities and cultures these forms of separation are in fact lies we tell ourselves because we seek individualism and identity. Again nature can show up the lies we tell ourselves because everything in nature has intelligence, which is the esoteric, that knows it is dependant on what is available in its surroundings and if it destroys those surroundings it has little chance of survival.

There is no mystery in the esoteric, there is only our unwillingness to explore and uncover what is already living within us. We are given many opportunities to feel and live from what is innately within us the esoteric knowledge or the intelligence meant for all of us and what originates from within. It is up to each of us to live from our foundations in our inner-most and live the esoteric.