Reading the world

unintended stories
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2021

A story written by Jaime during the workshop we ran at IxD21

In a world where*
- Cameras are expensive and are potentially seen as ‘luxury items’. The more that are sold, the more redundant/obsolete they become.
- People being worried about their location being tracked by anyone
- Increase the value of photos

How does a day look like when we explore the world?

Modified — photo by Annie Spratt

Min reads books about everything. About tropical islands, about old-time car manufacturing lines, about sports stars running sweetly onto the pitch for their first match. She has never seen any of these things though, she has only heard about them from her books and her grandparents. Her grandma visited all of these things, plus more and Min reads about them to feel closer to her. She hopes to see them all (plus more) herself one day…. when she saves up enough from her jobs.

No photos exist anymore of these things, well none that she can access anyway. She has a friend who has seen a real photo of a tucan once at a rich person’s house… a real tucan photo!

When she reads, she references the drawings online that people have made on the topic. People share their interpretations of places, objects, animals, and even people. Min uses it as a reference to imagine what some of the things look like in real life. Only a select few have actually seen these things in real life, so who knows what anything really looks like!

*the characteristics of this world were collaboratively defined by the team during the workshop. In the following article, you can find more details about the workshop activities.



unintended stories

unintended is a community-based research lab experimenting at the intersection of design, systems and futures.