Trade offs

unintended stories
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2021

A story written by Louise during the workshop we ran at IxD21

In a world where *
- Smart services become the norm
- Consumers/users are co-dependents of services they subscribe to through invisible contracts
- Value is defined by outcomes and potential behavior change

How does a day look like when we travel?

Modified — Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

It’s June, it’s grey.. a rare monthly cloud hangs over Sydney. Borders are open, and Queensland plans are all going.

The plan is to fly to Bryon and then make my way to Brunswick’s heads for some downtime.

I dig out my qantas suitcase, spending 2 hours to get everything to fit in.. the leather one my mum got me over 10 years ago is a perfect size, and looks amazing but it doesn’t have the necessary tags installed and is not eligible to have them installed. Think I’d risk an overweight charge for that vintage Italian leather.

My calendar schedules the Uber, relieved I don’t have to calculate traffic anymore. Got to have a coffee with my partner instead of planning and driving. wish the Uber conversation was a little more interesting though… it’s just all about the destination these days.

2hours later I’m in balmy byron, just need to pick up my car rental from Hertz. A bit too tired to drive, but if I don’t use hertz this month my points will drop and my bill will go up.


The Brunswick beach house [is an unfinished tale!]

*the characteristics of this world were collaboratively defined by the team during the workshop. In the following article, you can find more details about the workshop activities.



unintended stories

unintended is a community-based research lab experimenting at the intersection of design, systems and futures.